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  1. Z

    Strange Metal Collar

    So this isn't quite a crash report, but I've noticed on multiple playthroughs that the strange metal collar bought from Shekka doesn't turn into the black omnisuit when equipped. I've tried equipping it multiple times with different tests such as unequipping all undergarments, but the tf scene...
  2. Z

    Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1248 Amazoness Treatment changes

    Crash that keeps occuring during the Amazon treatment changes, some point after the 48 hr mark. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1248 Message: y is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: y is not defined at Function.value ( at o.value...
  3. Z

    Treatment TF

    Took the treatment and any time a TF procs it errors out immediately Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1164 Message: TREATMENT_GAIN_TARGETS is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: TREATMENT_GAIN_TARGETS is not defined at Function.value (
  4. Z

    Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1130- sleeping to advance Amazon treatment

    Like it says I tried to sleep to advance the Amazon variant treatment and after the 48 hour mark the game consistently crashes. Version: 0.69.420 -BACKER#1130 Message: y is not defined Stack: ReferenceError: y is not defined at window.treatmentHourProcs...