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  1. B

    Save Editing to Gain Lovers

    That's what I had thought I had read, but when I was in Minerva and went under the flags to edit there was nothing there.  All it said was "Children: ___" With some number I can't remember in the blank.  In fact each of the arrays I clicked on said nothing aside from "Children: ___" with each...
  2. B

    Will Ember ever be completed?

    So even if one of the writers comes back to you and Fen with more (say Quiet Browser decides to finish Loppe by adding the father side quest and pregnancy) you guys wouldn't implement it?
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    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Sooooo... I skimmed over this and read some of the wiki and it has peaked my interest, but I'm still fairly confused about a few things...  Can I load my own save into this?  Or do I have to start a new game?  And do I have to play offline or can I play in browser?  If it's offline only, is...
  4. B

    Can't find CoC offline version

    Haha don't! I couldn't find it for a long time either!
  5. B

    Can't find CoC offline version

    Go to the play page here: and then right click on the name of the game to download it! :3
  6. B

    Save Editing to Gain Lovers

    So one of my greatest regrets in this game was missing my opportunity to get Marble as a Lover.  I must have just barely missed the affection score necessary to get her because IIRC I did everything right.  Is there a way to edit my save so that either her entire storyline resets or she joins my...
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    Moving a Saved File from Computer to Online

    Unfortunately I'm on a Mac (I know don't make fun of me) and there isn't really a CoCEd for OS X.  I made some progress with the second option, though.  After some digging I found the on-line folder.  The issue is my save on my desktop is not a .sol format file, but rather a "TextEdit" file with...
  8. B

    Moving a Saved File from Computer to Online

    All my save files were deleted the other day.  It's never happened to me before.  Luckily I do back up frequently and have an old save file on my computer.  I prefer to play on the website rather than by downloading the game, and the website doesn't allow you to load files.  Is there any method...