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    New Demon Girl in Backers Patch Oct 30 Very Hard to Find?

    That would probably be it for me, was playing on saves that hadn't beaten the Palace of Ice yet. Thanks.
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    New Demon Girl in Backers Patch Oct 30 Very Hard to Find?

    I spent the better part of an hour and a half looking for her and didn't find her a single time. Admittedly I was spamming through dialogues like a madman but It feels like her encounter rate has to be astronomically low. Has anyone else had this experience and is there a decimal in the wrong place?
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    What content would you like added?

    Not really content but I just had an idea to be able to locally store references to image files with different scenes. The idea being that, since it's prohibitively expensive to have custom art for every scene, people could find art they like and use it in their own games. Obviously not much...
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    User Interface Feedback

    @herpaderphurr I hope for the same thing, and I would bet on it being a planned feature. Something I found myself wishing for in TiTS was a system allowing you to back up through divergent choices and choose the other route if you so wished. I figure that's both difficult tech-wise and not very...
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    What did you name your character?

    I always make a male character and a female character and name them James and Kay respectively. Not sure what classes I want them to be yet but I really like Thief and Black Mage.
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    What content would you like added?

    I'm honestly not trying to push things, I just think the rule should be better defined since undead are so common in fantasy. Sexy Vampires are basically mainstream but "technically" still break the rule of "no corporeal undead" so I just wanted to try and get a more well explained rule for...
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    What content would you like added?

    I feel like I'm gonna get a reputation as the guy who cares WAY to much about the undead... Anyways here's what I can find and what my ideas are From the FAQ And From the Design Doc The problem I had is that "Corporeal Undead" just means any undead with a physical body (Corpus), which...
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    What content would you like added?

    Speaking of vampires, what exactly are the rules about undead? The public design document made it seem like a no-go but things like Vampires and Dullahan are traditionally considered undead, so it seemed to me like we need to avoid necrophile stuff but undead-themed monsters were still fine? I'd...
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    Bubble's CoC2 Hub

    While I personally voted for the Merks because I'm not into taur stuff personally, I'm a big advocate for depth over girth... I mean breadth. If you want to add more to Sugo, do it before you move on to something else. I think the best thing is to add the best and deepest content you can before...
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    User Interface Feedback

    @Savin I'm sorry! That was honestly the smallest complaint I had!
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    Observation post of the Observer.

    @Gizmo1206 I feel your pain. I always have to play the game both as a male and female pc each once. If I don't I end up going herm halfway through.
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    Demo 0.0.08 Sleep Lockup

    I had unequipped it at one point but it was equipped at the time I tried sleeping.
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    User Interface Feedback

    Is there any way to set the busts to be like 40-50 pixels to the right of where they are and have the background fill to match? The problem I'm seeing is that the characters are too far left and look cramped in some cases and would look less cramped if their shoulders were slightly out of pane...
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    Observation post of the Observer.

    I didn't think it would actually end up being this much head patting, @Ethereal Dragon lol.
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    User Interface Feedback

    @Upcast Drake Suggestions: 1) The Location text in the top right could be brighter 2) It's not immediately clear what the curved status bars around the portrait mean, even less so since some of them don't do anything yet. 3) The Icon on the Pure/Corruption Text doesn't fit the rest of the UI...
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    Demo 0.0.08 Sleep Lockup

    After completing the tutorial quest, sleeping locked up the interface for roughly 20 seconds. Chrome 65.0.3325.181
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    Observation post of the Observer.

    While you may have written everything very clearly, you misunderestimate the considerable ignorance of this forumgoer. <3
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    [WiP] Sheinnai, Living Artefact (weapon, companion)

    If we only carry back a little over 100 pounds of crystal, this body is gonna be tiny AF with how dense crystals are. Quartz for example is 2.6x the density of water. If you were to want the equivalent of a 100lb human you'd need 260lbs of crystal. I don't know what your intention is for the...
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    Observation post of the Observer.

    Not just as a summon? I didn't see that but I'll take your word for it while I look again. Sweeet. @The Observer Are you thinking of having any of the other Kits be named and have their own interactions or just Kinu for now? I thought it would be cool if Kinu's siblings represented different...
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    Hugs' CoC2 Hut

    Sorry I just misinterpreted what you meant.