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  1. W

    New Texas Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I see, that's what I for not keeping up with forums and such. I liked it as it was, it was always more weird to me that New Texas was allowed to continue at all than it put me off that it was forced. In the end it always comes down to that you respect what the creator wants for their creation...
  2. W

    New Texas Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    So I saw some posts that the Treatment is now officially voluntary by mandate of Fen himself but I can't find a post about this. Just asking because the reasoning could be interesting to read and not to start up any new discussion, as Wsan said that ground is well-trod already.
  3. W

    New Texas Appreciation Thread

    I wouldn't think it necessary but do consider that you are playing a game containing several scenes of semi- or plain non-consensual sex. I'm sure you would not accuse everyone who enjoys such scenes of actually supporting such actions in real life right? It's a fetish of mine and as long as...
  4. W

    New Texas Appreciation Thread

    I just really love the entire idea of NT, the enforced classic gender roles, bimbofication is a big favourite, Brynn might be my favourite scene in the entire games thus far, I love cowgirls...I just can't get enough of the place!
  5. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    Man, if advocated half of the things I've fapped to in real life I would be seen as a monster. Rape fantasies are common enough though I guess. We just let this topic die if it's derailing is annoying, I got the answers I wanted, just curious about a small aspect of the game after all.
  6. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    I know well the ethical problems of New Texas but as has been said, it's more about the fetish than anything else for me. Lots of things in TiTs are odd or questionable if viewed from certain angles.
  7. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    With Reheas hints that some of the parts of mod are making their way into the DNA of New Texans, I wouldn't be surprised if something like this were to happen.
  8. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    Welcome to the club, try the milk.
  9. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    Reading your post again I understand now that you must have meant that you have never done and never will play a treated character, not created one for the game. Oops. It's no doubt a complex thing huh, what with the great variety possible with transformations.
  10. W

    Favourite Planet

    New Texas all the way, I just can't vote for anything else due to it's general theme hitting everything I like. Another person put it well:
  11. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    Cool, I guess I should have expected the gap between brute and bimbo speech though heh. If you don't mind me asking Woider, what content of you produced so far in TiTS, was it under your forum handle?
  12. W

    JimThermic's Project List

    The fact that you used Z-tons Fistfiesta in the Aina doc made me smile, that is a cover I haven't seen in a while, almost the origin of my love for monstergirls.
  13. W

    Prevalence of ditz/brute scenes?

    Been coming back to the game after quite some time playing and while exploring Myrellion I found talking to Xanthe that the dialogue for my female and treated Steele seemed very much influenced by bimbo mannerisms. I love people who take the time write scenes that take this into account and I...
  14. W

    JimThermic's Project List

    Oh man, that stuff is looking really good, there aren't many scenes specific to high fem male-gender characters now are there (I haven't played any of the Myrellion content yet)? Cant' wait to see it in the game!
  15. W

    JimThermic's Project List

    As a big fan of the your Big T scenes and NT in general I'm hoping that this is related to NT in some way?