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  1. S

    Looking for a game

    Hey peeps! I'm looking for a specific H-Game. I remember playing it back around 2018-2019 timeframe. From what I can remember, there was no main plot but you could move around from tile to tile trying to find loot and such to arm your character. I'll also attach my (poorly) drawn picture of what...
  2. S

    Third Crisis

    Ahh finally a game I can get behind:yes: But is there any futa content planned for this game or a big no? Either way it’s still phenomenal
  3. S

    So who else is excited to see this happen?

    Seeing as Savin said the game was NOT a april fools joke, I think we're all pretty excited. It has, of course, a ways to go but it already looks and feels like its going towards being a great polished game, especially from the screenshots info provided to us.
  4. S

    What the actual fuck?
