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  1. C

    Questions about goo people

    I'm pretty sure that the Rhan are the ones that are just 1 giant cell. Galotians are the more true to form 'goo-girls' of this series.
  2. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    aka a coder's worst nightmare (or close enough)
  3. C

    Show me your characters!

    I tend to just enjoy screwing around with absurdities and transformatives. I usually prefer to go with the gallomax goo-girl effect, but this time around I decided to experiment with some of the other mods for the lols (that and constantly seeing "undercarriage" multiple times in every scene...
  4. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Oh wow, I totally missed that. Don't remember seeing that in the vending machines last time I checked. Thx man.
  5. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    To add to this, It'd be nice if there were an item that reduced waist/hip size. Practically every female based mod causes your hips to swell to disproportionate levels, but for those of us that prefer our steeles being sleek and slim, it's rather frustrating to have yer hips always balloon out...
  6. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    So, while I'm fully aware that getting content for some of the lesser used TF's (like the muff stick and tentatool) for the PC isn't -really- gonna happen anytime this century (unless some monetary motivation is involved) It would be interesting if some NPC's with said mods be introduced. In...
  7. C

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  8. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I mean, you could just go with the pagan easter holiday and make it a fertility themed holiday. Would fit right in with the general scope of the game. ;)
  9. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I suppose It'd be nice to see some more tentacle support. Just spent a good chunk of time save scumming my Steele to see just how many tentacles I could put on her only to remember hearing there's practically no support for it. Speaking of which, is there a list of scenes that do support the...
  10. C

    The Oak Question

    so the "ikemen" or "pretty boy" stereo type from japanese origin. Something you'd commonly associate with boybands and models? Also, for myself, I prefer playing as a female. I find an odd dislike for male focused content, or anything phallus shaped tbh. I like girls and find their bodies to be...
  11. C

    How to write Male scenes?

    I think it matters less about -what- you write, and more about -how- you write. Focus on the depiction, the details, and the scene. Make it feel -real- and the content will sort itself out. Make sure the sentence structure flows, and make sure that there are no sharp or sudden jumps in the...
  12. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    the receptionist is less a slime girl and more of a gel/cell girl. the codex makes a distinction about how the rahn are like single celled people or somethin. But I agree, it would be nice if legit slime girls got some more love/focus somewhere along the line.
  13. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Huh, I never really realized this was an issue since I usually just go full blown galotian for total character customization control.
  14. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    speaking of adding stuff, I've also got a kind of question. Regarding the gelomax and becoming a full fledged galotian, Steele's default mode of transportation is that "under-carriage" thing, and while neat at first, kinda wears off considering how little it's taken advantage of and/or...
  15. C

    What is the smallest I can get my penis?

    speaking of "immersion" issues, it's also true the other way around. I've managed to make my Steele get to be 3' tall (as a galotian) but the game doesn't really care if the other member's member is a 3rd of my total body height. The scene will treat Steele as if she's normal sized. (I just...
  16. C

    A great loss has been had

    lol, no. not a work computer. the contracting agency that is employing me uses an online time tracking system, so I just access a website and put down the time I work. But I had troubles logging in, hence the cache clearing.
  17. C

    A great loss has been had

    XD well it wasn't 600 days, (closer to 150) but still, I made a lot of progress, and the prospect of having to redo a lot of that is just... ugh.
  18. C

    A great loss has been had

    Welp, I've just screwed up... Had to clear my cache and cookies to fix a time keeper log in issue (so I could get paid) and forgot I didn't have an actual save file. So my precious gooey Azyra Steele is no more. :'( Can I cry now? Or do I not deserve it for being so absent minded?
  19. C

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    What does everyone think about the possibility of something like this: being added? I could see it as either a combat encounter, or maybe a one off (or repeatable) event? (if repeatable, maybe the possibility of it having a bad end? like with it assimilating with...