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  1. Scars Unseen

    [0.9.029-BACKER-ELECTRON#2749] Blackjack Game Accepts Negative Bet Amounts

    If you type a negative amount to bet with in the custom bet prompt for the Zeng Shi blackjack game, it not only accepts it as a valid bet, but it will give the expected result of reversing the results of the game, crediting you the amount bet if you lose, and taking it from you if you win.
  2. Scars Unseen

    0.9.010-BACKER-ELECTRON#2247 Third Womb Rahn Pregnancy Issues

    If you sign up as a Premium Breeder on Breedwell, take mods to give yourself 3 vaginas, get knocked up in all three (merchant deck of Tavros is easiest place to get it done), then go to the nursery on Tavros to give birth, you only get asked where you want the rahn offspring to go for the first...