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  1. S

    [0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1507] Sylvanole - AuMyrtille/AuRonce - Still critical errors

    Been trying to narrow this down via process of elimination, I'm guessing it's due to either one of the rare TFs (skin tone or accent markings).
  2. S

    Strive for Power (Slave Management, RPG)

    Here's a hint: the saves are entirely unencrypted. Oh, and thanks for leaving the saves unencrypted, by the way. :v
  3. S

    Fuck the spiders

    So...I managed to beat the Quadomme by just shooting the Goozooka at her until she falls over. :v (Note: NOT FOOLPROOF. May miss. Minimum of 3 shots, recommend at least a full stack of ammo.)
  4. S

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    For the life of me, I can't seem to be able to find the Ornate Chest in Glacial Rift for some reason. I mean, I've checked the odds, and 4% doesn't seem to be that impossible...right?