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  1. SarenSoran

    What is grimdark mode?

    Where would i go to download this?
  2. SarenSoran

    Got bored and started reviewing smut games

    just gonna write this here to know when this gets updated :cool: no offence, it sounds interesting
  3. SarenSoran

    What is your gender?

    hm... neat, don't know what to say but i think in this forum here you'd be hard pressed to find a bigot what with the nature of the game and all sooooo, good for you ;)
  4. SarenSoran

    What is your gender?

    Born a man and identify as man too, nothing out of the ordinary i guess. o_O
  5. SarenSoran

    What should/shouldn't go on a pizza?

    I like 'em with normal sauce and cheese But if i feel adventurous, i take a pizza called Quattro Formaggio. Basically pizza with 4 kinds of cheese on it ^^
  6. SarenSoran

    What's your sexuality?

    That's pretty much me. ;)
  7. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    Why are they called smurfs? It can't be because they are blue, can it? Never really thought about it...o_O
  8. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    what is this MAG you are talking about? it's probably a retarded question ^^
  9. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    Boy, i just read the entry of the siege of vraks in the warhammer 40 k wiki o_O That is one giant clusterfuck of death thats going on there :confused: And it's not even finished, according to the wiki, what with the Chaos Space Marines joining in now
  10. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    I don't know right now how they work but when it raises gravity, like the name suggests, and sups is weak against it.... I guess :confused: and from the spacebattles i don't know the exact limits of palpatine but nothing i've seen in starwars is even close to the God emperor when it comes down...
  11. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    No, not really any favorite parts, I just found it overall amusing, as in, I had a evil grin here and a chuckle elsewhere. It's always a delight to read good crossovers (that i like).
  12. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    @RanmaChan i love it man, they definitely didn't know what was coming for them, poor alliance forces ^^ btw are they really that low in numbers that a few thousand soldiers dwarfes the troops of multiple planets?
  13. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    @Endwar is yellow a weakness of the ring or the wielder?
  14. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    didn't know that he was basically immortal ^^ also i'm sadly not all up in the dc hero lore so what are the abilities of their rings, or in the emperors case his gauntlet from what i can remember they can make stuff out of nothing, am i right on that?
  15. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    @Endwar is he really that powerful that he could rebuild the webway of warhammer 40k? i mean, i know that he is a force for good or better said against evil (as he is a warrior, and they have to do evil to vanquish evil or so) and i like that you made him a green gauntlet as that fits him way...
  16. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    i love it, no nice guys, just differing sorts of dickheads everywhere, that's what makes warhammer 40k also, grimdark :)
  17. SarenSoran

    Boring or unremarkable Protagonist

    good lord, i wouldn't have thought to find someone who thinks shiro has purpose ^^
  18. SarenSoran

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    @Endwar that one was cool too, i like your muse ^^ this one was basically the mass effect universe getting shit on, right?
  19. SarenSoran

    Favorite Fictional MILFs

    when we go this way already i have to make a confession... peg pete from goof troop was kinda hot for me :)