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  1. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Sup all, it's a new month and a new year! v0.28.0 is now up for free on itch, and I've also posted an overall annual State of the Game post there as well, if you're interested in checking it out. Also in case you've missed it, Carnal Coup - Overseer's Edition is on sale for the Steam and itch...
  2. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Probably not anything official, but there are map markers these days to indicate when new scenes are available. Each faction will progress in more or less the same way as well, so once you've done one you'll probably have an idea of how it works.
  3. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's breeding time! The pregnancy system is now fully in and operational, with players, the XO, and standard crewmembers all now standing a risk of getting knocked up during procedural 'romance' scenes (Specialists will get their own system down the line). I've also added in a few...
  4. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's monthly update time! v0.27.0 is now up on the public page, and v0.28.0 has been released to patrons! This update largely focused on more aspects of the game's pregnancy system, and if a player selects the 'Breeder' trait at the start of the game, they'll now start off with a couple...
  5. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    v0.27.1 is now up for patrons, and we've got some new art and a lot of setup for the game's pregnancy system! The last Seeder faction CG is now in the game, and while you can't yet conceive children, I've set up a number of functions to support them once they exist. The next update will focus on...
  6. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's monthly update time! v0.26.0 is now up at the public page, and v0.27.0 is now available for patrons! This update finishes up the Tier 3 ship functionality with one more new ship, although I do have some additional art assets waiting to get in. I've also started on the very...
  7. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    It's mid-month update time, and this update features new ships! The new Tier 3 ships are unlocked once the player has completed two of the enemy faction storylines, and feature a number of upgrades over Tier 2 vessels: more crew, a larger bridge staff, ways to speed up your development of your...
  8. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's monthly update time, but first off, it's also an anniversary! In celebration of the third anniversary of the store launch of Carnal Coup - Overseer's Edition, I've now permantly discounted the game, and it's also on sale for the next two weeks! You can find it as usual on Steam...
  9. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's mid-month update time! This update kicks off the Seeder finale arc with two scenes, although the finale scene is still in-progress and didn't quite make it for this update. That will be my focus for the next update, along with returning to the Figura system for a little reward from...
  10. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's monthly update time! v0.24.0 is now up for free at the usual page, and v0.25.0 is now out for patrons. This update includes a new Harian CG (perhaps the last, now that their arcs are complete) and two new Sage Lantana scenes, including a rather smutty back-to-school encounter...
  11. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's mid-month update time! This one's a simple one, with two new Seeder scenes, including the climax to the 'civilian' plotline. The rest of the month will focus on finishing up Sage Lantana's plotline, including the smutty climax, before leading into the Seeder system wrapup...
  12. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's a new month with new updates! v0.23.0 is now up at the usual page, and v0.24.0 is now out for patrons! This update focuses almost entirely on adding in the rest of the new chain duty assignments, with 34 new assignments added in three systems. There was also a bit of bugfixing...
  13. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's mid-month update time! This update features one new story scene, but the primary focus has been on a new type of duty assignment: chain duties. These assignments tell mini-story arcs entirely through duties, and four sets (21 duties in all) have been added in this update. There's...
  14. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's another monthly update! v0.22.0 is now up at the usual public page, and v0.23.0 is now out for patrons. This update focuses on the Schen, including the ability to recruit Gigi to your ship crew. This next month I'll be returning focus to the Seeders until I finish them up...
  15. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's mid-month update time! Fairly straightforward update this cycle, with two new scenes for the reptilian Schen scientists - and new artwork for the Happee Specialist duo! I'll be continuing work on the Schen for the rest of the month, before likely swapping back to the Seeders...
  16. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's monthly update time! v0.21.0 is now up for the public at the usual page, with v0.22.0 up for patrons! This update focuses on wrapping up the Harian content (save for some eventual epilogue stuff far down the line), with some smutty action for your Captain to watch. There's also...
  17. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's mid-month update time! This update focuses on the setup for the plotline to 'take over' the Harians' home system, with a couple scenes covering the planning of your...plan. This update also adds portrait artwork for the Happee's DominatorCard CEO, as well as a number of...
  18. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's monthly update time! v0.20.0 is now up at the usual page, and v0.21.0 is now available for patrons! This latest update finishes out the Harian Leader plotline, and sets things up for the Harian system in general to be wrapped up in the coming month. Doing so will unlock a few...
  19. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Hey all, it's time for the mid-month update! This update features a new portrait set for the Schen leader NPC, and scenes for both the Happee and Harian leaders. The direction I'm going with for the Happee leader plotline is...perhaps a bit unsubtle for me, and is related to a short rant I've...
  20. DaScoot

    Carnal Voyages - v0.28.0/v0.29.0 Updates

    Evening all, it's another new month! v0.19.0 is now up for free at the usual page, and v0.20.0 is now out for supporters! This update kicks off a few more Happee Co plotlines, and also adds in a new QoL improvement which I hope will come in handy - map markers for when new plotline scenes are...