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  1. Jhin

    Weird question

    I mean, most creatures in TiTS are anthropomorphic, so they do share qualities of being human (for example, they can have a human digestive system). This could be a possibility to why they can eat things like chocolate (just a guess). And yes, even if normal pet dogs/cats eat chocolate like...
  2. Jhin

    Question of the day: Where does evil come from? Free Will? Nature? God?

    Question of the day: Where does evil come from? Free Will? Nature? God?
  3. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Um. I have finished both the 'first encounter' scene, and after that the normal 'encounter' scene for all genders (which will vary every time). I have added the combat stats and values, and have added combat text. Right now I am working on Victory scenes, where you can get various different sex...
  4. Jhin

    I've decided to quit FoE

    :c That's really depressing tbh, and it's sad to see a potential game grinding to a halt. I hope you two find good luck in your new endeavors, and hopefully one day Alder might find some motivation to continue working on FoE.
  5. Jhin

    The Legend of Versyl

    Needs more M/M :^) Otherwise, its pretty good. Keep up the nice work
  6. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Heya! Just a tiny amount of text to give you something to munch over while I continue to write this thing (this is just a few paragraphs from the initial encounter. I cut out a lot from these paragraphs so the post isn't too long. This is not the entire thing, let me assure you). If you have...
  7. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    So like, I have been typing all day and right now I have 12 pages under my belt. I am not sure about the tf things yet, as I just really want to finish the actual Hostile before thinking about stuff like that. Right now, I might add things such as gaining 'Fur' items that provide some protection...
  8. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    My To Do List for tomorrow: - Plan out a new GDOC (which is the one that is going to be submitted to the Event Submissions... Or I can use the existing one. Does not matter). - Learn how to use parser more effectively (looked at the basic overview. Shouldn't be too hard... Right?)...
  9. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Interesting idea. More variety, however more writing. Ill probably do this then, as I want to use the feedback from the community and to sate my own lust. Should be worth the sacrifice. Ill need to make a to do list tonight and then spend the whole of Sunday fingering my keyboard. Anything else...
  10. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    I literally had to lie down and think about this. I am at literal conflict with myself on whether to make them herm, natural male/female or neuter. Ughhhhhhh
  11. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Of course! I was going to write that in the GDoc but hesitated due to wanting opinions from the community (as impregnation is popular, and I wanted to do it right). I also got the name from this: I was actually thinking about that in the shower...
  12. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Do rabbits/hares knot? I swear I searched it up and it said they didnt :/ If they do ill go add it in.
  13. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Ah alright. Ill make a detailed schedule for myself on what to write, as writing a hostile means I also have to add combat text and values. I might move it to a new GDOC and progress towards the 'Event Submissions' stage.
  14. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Hmm. Thanks for your opinions guys. Should I continue on with this to the next stage? or wait for a bit. (I want both my input and the communities on this, as I feel that I should take it slow and easy and not rush this like a lunatic). Also, if you want to add any other fetishes/sex scenes I...
  15. Jhin

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    Touch what exactly? Your non-existent G-DOC or actual writing which should have been made by now since its been like, 5 months since your original post?
  16. Jhin

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    You're not going to do anything bad to it... right?
  17. Jhin

    [WIP] Lapinara Hostile Encounter: An idea

    Hello, An idea for a new hostile in the icy plains of Uveto. It is a Hare/Rabbit like creature (the Lupinara race) that has adjusted to the surrounding area, catching out unwary travelers they face with adapted fighting mechanics and agility. I mean, many hares and rabbits do inhabit...
  18. Jhin

    Picking up the pieces (Out of character)

    (saves spot) Yeah, I am interested (don't usually RP but this has peaked my interest).
  19. Jhin

    CoC Scenes in TiTS?

    I remember there were dreams where the PC will fantasize over being milked in the Demon Factory. Maybe make a scene similar to that... or one similar to the Omnibus Bad ending (where she breaks your will with sex toys) :D (on a side not, was I the only one who liked being dominated by Kelt?)
  20. Jhin

    Frost Wyrm

    I swear this thread was about the frost wyrm?