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  1. DragonDred

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    Their basic weapons make lascannons look like imperial guard flashlights
  2. DragonDred

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    I can just picture a Tyranid Reaper *shiver*, Harbinger would be little compared to how much genetic/ biomass they could gather.
  3. DragonDred

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    damn Xeno loving Heretics (no offense @Savin, but you've gone fully native by now)
  4. DragonDred

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    death korps of krieg and valhallan ice warriors (cain is posted to the 597th Regiment)
  5. DragonDred

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    Imperial Guard do them staying with the good old fashion style's the large amount of armored vehicles they can bring to the field plus my most favorite character (and right hand man) is part of them, the badass that is Commissar Ciaphas Cain and Ferik Jurgen.
  6. DragonDred

    Would it be possible to implement a second pair of arms for the PC in TiTs?

    As the topic above states would it be possible to implement a second pair of arms, for your character that they could use or would that be to much coding and rework if that is the case then outrightly ignore this or just plaster a big-O fat YES down below.
  7. DragonDred

    [0.6.46] Silicone for Vi (not sure if bug)

    Can't you use .minerva to add some do your inventory? If so would you happand to know how?
  8. DragonDred

    Zandria the Milfy Draconic navigator

    I'll take that out but keep it somewhere if I need to use it Sorry, didn't know about them I'll go read up on them and see what I can salvage You wouldn't mind pointing out the other draconic races if it isn't to much to ask?
  9. DragonDred

    Zandria the Milfy Draconic navigator

    This idea has just been lurking at the back of my mind so here it is;         A MILF space herm dragoness with double everything (almost everything), can give you a boost in find places or events (when implemented), and mite of personally known your father.         New codex for her...
  10. DragonDred

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    I was wondering if the incubi draft potion was glitch or not because i can't seem  to get multiple shafts;plus is there an easier way to get more then two, without save editing? (On CoC revamp of course)