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  1. T

    "The New Forums Are Shit" Mk 2

    Looks like this is the standard forum style nowadays. Can't say I dislike it though.
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    Gloryhole Thread

    Now I can't wait for this build to go public.  Fuuuuck. 
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Ohoh, yes. I mean, it's sort of a win-win thing. Either way, sexy times.  :D
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

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    Summertime SAGA v0.08b Alpha - 11/5/2016

    Cheers! Looking forward to it.  :D
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    Summertime SAGA v0.08b Alpha - 11/5/2016

    Is it not playable on Mac?  :(
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Here's hoping then.  :D
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Would like to see more stuff with Tavira. She's a queen, after all.  Shade, too, now that I think about it. After meeting with her at her home, she basically disappears. 
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    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    Read some quests that were titled 'CoC-ish'.  Asked for the full name, googled it, and here I am.