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  1. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    You've ridden the elevator to the basement of the Tower of Shit and are still pressing the 'down' button. BubbleLord and HugsAlright are current writers, they've added content to the game within the past month if you paid any attention. At all.
  2. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    When the point has already been discussed ad nauseam, sometimes all that's needed is to put the discussion to rest with a one-word answer by the guy who has the last word on things. Assuming by 'partner' that you mean a companion character, that door has closed, that ship has sailed and that...
  3. WolframL

    How Important is Leadership?

    It comes down to Threat management, make sure that other party members are generating more of it than you are and you're less likely to get ganged up on.
  4. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    ...not really? Ignoring the hermaphrodite characters and just focusing on the rest, we have a good number of characters but they're definitely female and changing them wouldn't be a slight thing. Evelyn: Her backstory is kind of important to why she is the way she is and her penis is a recent...
  5. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Well, I dunno about any plans for romancing Cait conventionally in the same way that, say, Brint/Brinne has a future marriage option but we do know that she's saving her anal virginity for someone special, meaning the Champion after some plot event or another. Close enough? Though an optional...
  6. WolframL

    Any man sexier than Dionysius?

    Brint. Big buff dude with muscles for days, looks really good after an oil rub and makes the best bro if you're not interested in sexing him or an amazing lover if you are. Also, something something tasty mino dick that you just can't quit.
  7. WolframL

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Here's the important bit: You're right that it doesn't say how they do this but the exact mechanics don't really matter. If they didn't keep their numbers low, they'd either eventually become too numerous to sustain themselves or they'd prompt a mob uprising with torches and pitchforks and then...
  8. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    Right in the FAQ. In addition to what GraphiteCrow said, scat, watersports, vore and gore content is a hard 'fuck no'. The former is to a greater or lesser degree anthropomorphic (ie 'human-like') while the latter is not.
  9. WolframL

    *RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

    Y'all noticed this topic was dead for six months, right? :p That said, since it's come up again anyways... From what I've heard, the plan is for it to be a resolved plot thread within the game. Integrating kitsune society with the rest of the Frost Marches is a different matter entirely...
  10. WolframL

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Since the April Fools scene came up a while back in a similar context, it bears pointing out that whichever path you go down, the event canonically does not happen. Assuming you have not done something completely avoidable* prior to it procing, you can see either version of the scene, check the...
  11. WolframL

    New Version: Ryn slut level

    Maybe it's higher when she's demonized then? I actually didn't check that one since the only file I have her at the Wayfort is also the file where Ryn's Libidio was cranked all the way up to 100, so I tested it against a moderate-Libido file where she's at the Frost Hound and was assuming the...
  12. WolframL

    New Version: Ryn slut level

    Not really, I think the threshold is 20.
  13. WolframL

    What content would you like added?

    My Black Mage is cackling madly at the thought of getting another chance to use Banishment for its damaging potential instead of just giving enemies a timeout for a few turns.
  14. WolframL

    How old is the champion?

    That was just an example to point out that the latter races could plausibly have younger Champion characters since they're shorter-lived and have to get started earlier, especially orcs. Actually I don't remember if humans have a stated average life expectancy in Savarra but I'm willing to bet...
  15. WolframL

    Is it possible to raise Fertility/Virility with the Sterile perk?

    Meira's fertility treatment will work even if you start with the Sterile perk, if you haven't done so already you can unlock it by completing the Den of Foxes quest Evergreen gives you.
  16. WolframL

    How Important is Leadership?

    Leadership is a straight percentage boost for companions so if you have a stat of 20, your companions are doing 20% more damage with their attacks (and healing 20% more) than they would be unadjusted. Based on the combat math guide, if you spend a point on Presence that would otherwise have gone...
  17. WolframL

    Corruption Kiyoko?

    Take a look at the size of Kas' dick and then try to imagine the combined feelings of 'I want that!' and 'That's gonna tear me in half!' and you'll have your answer. ;)
  18. WolframL

    How Important is Leadership?

    It's a percentage boost to their Attack/Spellpower stats so it makes them better and it's what determines the stats of the Champion's summons so there's never a time when when investing some stat points there is a bad idea and if you're using summons yourself it's a really good stat to pump up.
  19. WolframL

    Corruption Kiyoko?

    Bah, I dunno what y'all are so worried about. I haven't even mentioned Y'Golona-
  20. WolframL

    PC race and interactions

    There's a minor change to Ryn's dialogue if your starting race is Wyld Elf, you ask about her people and she's confident enough to open up about the half-sexed. There's a fairly big variation if you try to incite a brawl in the warcamp and you started as an orc yourself and other minor tweaks...