I loaded your save and ran into her as soon as I leave WC or walk onto combat tiles in the forest from the Wayfort. It might have been an issue that got fixed in a hotfix, maybe? Have you tried downloading again since then?
Did you already talk to Garth, Gwyn, Garret, and the Farm sisters? He was removed from the requirements so you should only have to talk to them.
Since you neglected to put what version you're on, I can't give any more advice than that. /shrug
That's because that's her auto attack. She has a Flask as an actual weapon. She's not using the power in any of those screenshots, notice the difference in combat text between your examples and Balak's screenshot of him stealing it.
Using Guidance changes all my party members hp to NaN and murdered the threat gems in the UI. The gems returned to normal when you go into another fight but the hp remains NaN. I think the game is treating them as dead though because they can't seem to actually get agro despite having the...
Just wanted to get clarified if fox-morphs are actually vulperine, and if they'll replace fox-morphs in the appearance screen. That fox shopkeeper in KM is cute so I got interested in the race.
Was wondering if it was just oversight that it wasn't updated with the addition of a codex entry for...
The square you're in is the pharmacy in backers. It's more like, you're not even supposed to be in there, so it has the wrong tile description probably. The tile description you're reading is probably for the brothel itself to the far east.
In this case, it's not Feronia in the wrong place...
The spot west to it is a different store that's available in the current backer build. She is where she's meant to be. If anything, I think it's supposed to mean you walk past the goth daughter and into the brothel to speak with her mother, which is the tile to the right and has the available...
I was messing with the Kitsune in the forest and noticed that I healed significantly less hp than I should have when I was on fire. Playing around some more, I found that the 50% healing reduction that's supposed to be on Bleeding is actually on Burning instead. Bleeding also does not reduce hp...
Ghost light peens still count as human peens and give racial score. By toggling it on or off and taking a step, my blobchamp somehow goes from catfolk to chimeric and to catfolk again. While I'm sure it's a great trick at parties, I'd like to stay being considered a catfolk and not a chimeric...
The manticore does not have a bust. She has only her combat bust, which isn't a proper portrait. So this isn't a bug.
The reagent issue is fixed on the most up to date build already.
Next time, put your version in the title of the post. Current public builds are [0.4.30] and backers are...
Did you download the hotfix yet? Pretty sure this was a previously reported issue and was said to be fixed in a recent hotfix, so try to download the game again.