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  1. T

    [solved, disregard] 0 HP bug, fighting Gryvain Techie - FIRST-14

    'Rest' is better for recovery than 'Wait x time', IIRC. Recovery is based on time spent and max HP/Energy. There might be something weird about a double KO. If you can get that again to test it. If it isn't a bug, this might get moved to a different sub-forum, or just buried forever, depending...
  2. T

    [solved, disregard] 0 HP bug, fighting Gryvain Techie - FIRST-14

    Did you Wait, or Rest? I don't think moving at 0 HP is a bug. Kicking you back to your last save is what Bad Ends are for.
  3. T

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    Originally, it was only 1 weapon (FZR Fire Suppression System). And it was hilariously broken (Crushing didn't remove the debuff, -50 Evasion and bonus damage for negative Evasion applies to enemies). 2x for Shield/Armor/HP damage, 1.5x for Lust. Codex>Stats>Combat Critical Chance: ┕ Melee: 5%...
  4. T

    [0.9.114-PUBLIC#5487] Kineticist Bugs

    Debris Field's button isn't disabled while active, unlike the other powers with durations. Debris Field, Entropy Waves, Concussive Augmentation and Deep Impact's Stun are Willpower, not psiWillpower.
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    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    I was thinking about the Quarterstaff, but it's way too powerful for a starter weapon. The fact you get up to 5 Darts, any of which can Crit is extremely valuable for Deep Impact. At least 1 Crit, assuming all Darts hit: 3 Darts | 4 Darts | 5 Darts 5%*...
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    Kineticist Build Help

    1. Status attacks are usually Attacker stat/2 + (Random 1-20) vs Defender Stat/2 + Constant. Third Eye Aim substitutes for X Chance flags, but isn't divided by 2. Intelligence + (1-20) vs Defender + 15 This makes X Chance much more reliable for Kineticists. I'm not sure if it's a bug. You do...
  7. T

    Best gear for each class?

    There's a thread for that. Feel free to post. I consider Magma Crusher a post-Uveto weapon. You need to be Level 10 or have the coordinates for Dhaal. In either case, you shouldn't have any issue with Uveto. It's also a Power Armor weapon, so it's not very good for people who took Third Eye Aim...
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    Lola and simone encounters

    704 (cubic inches?). It is actually possible to use save-editing to increase their capacity.
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    Lola and simone encounters

    Your penis is too big. Unfortunately, EasySlip Stud doesn't seem to be enough.
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    Lola and simone encounters

    It's definitely possible to encounter them. I did it in testing just now. You might try uploading your save so we can take a look.
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    Bizzy 'reset' bug in 0.9.114-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#5487

    A save file might help. Edit: Jinx?
  12. T

    [NOT A BUG, RESOLVED] 'Sneak In' option not appearing in Zheng Shi

    The scenario got rewritten. You have to give the Helmet to a pirate at the Airlock first.
  13. T

    Fixed [0.9.114-PUBLIC#5487] Sex With Rivet is Impossible

    The line that actually added a usable button for sex with Rivet has been commented out, leaving only three possible disabled buttons.
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    Sex with Rivet?

    The removal of the Codex requirement wasn't properly implemented. Filed a bug report. Edit: Just got fixed for 0.9.115
  15. T

    How to beat hureya?

    I assume you're a Smuggler. She has relatively weak Reflexes. If you've maxed Reflexes, Mag Binders should always work. Grenade Launcher (Flash Grenades) are likely to Blind if you have good Aim (and have gone through her Armor). She's weak to all Lust damage types. There's an optional fight to...
  16. T

    Fixed Can't load my save i dont know why

    Was the root cause of this ever addressed?
  17. T

    Not A Bug [0.9.107-PUBLIC#5322] Reaha Cannot Be Retrieved At Milk Barn

    Still an issue in 0.9.114-PUBLIC#5487.
  18. T

    [0.9.114-PUBLIC#5487] Paulette

    Cannot be re-recruited if booted from the ship? Can't back out of her sex menu. Missing closing ". Missing end punctuation.
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    What Qualifies As A Cum Addict In [0.9.114]?

    1. It was coded by Leek, (who is part-time, IIRC) and may not be familiar with all the possible calls. 2. Dumb4Cum withdrawal should also qualify, but I'm not sure the game checks for that. I'm confused by the rand(). Is it actually doing anything? The Max Lust requirement is somewhat awkward, too.
  20. T

    What Qualifies As A Cum Addict In [0.9.114]?

    Found it (in roomFunctions): pc.isCumSlut() && pc.lust() === pc.lustMax() && !rand(100) && (!flags.CUM_WTHDRWL_TS || (GetGameTimestamp() - flags.CUM_WTHDRWL_TS) >= (60 * 24 * 14)) You have to be at maximum Lust. Natural Lust gain stops at 75%, so you have to go over somehow. Not sure what the...