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  1. TheSak2613

    Codex Add Ons

    I've seen this Extra option in the Codex for Add-Ons, but I don't think I've ever run into any kind of add-ons. Has anyone? Know where I can go/what I can do to get em?
  2. TheSak2613

    The Kashima Incident

    Are there any repercussions for letting the company take a live specimen? I've seen that I get the same amount of money by letting them take it or taking it out myself & having it killed.
  3. TheSak2613

    Starter Perks

    Thank You Very Much !
  4. TheSak2613

    Starter Perks

    Thanks for that. o(☼u☼)o After messing around a bit I found that I can start a new character, pick the perk I want, copy the 0 under perks in that .sol & paste it in the perks of my main character for the desired effect. I change the 0 to whichever number I need to avoid the game getting...
  5. TheSak2613

    Starter Perks

    For TF fun You can have Bulgy & Mini to make a big balled character or be Fertile & Milky for pregnancy fun, stuff like that.
  6. TheSak2613

    Starter Perks

    Hello all, I was wondering if there was a way in .minerva to give yourself various perks. I wanted to get the Gold Myr perk as well as a few of the starter perks at the same time. Or is there a way in-game to get the different starter perks? Thanks for your time o(^-^)V