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  1. B


    how u trigger the imp night stuff
  2. B

    new stuff

    ok thanks
  3. B

    new stuff

    the new patches out. will i have to start a new game for them to take effect or not. also how long till the releace of the stuff for public
  4. B

    About the new update

    so whens that content going to be released to the public. also how do i get to be a backer if i want to. and once i dod is thir a special site i have to go to to play the backer version
  5. B


    i kind of dought that cause evergreen slaps her ass on the way out but mabey it was both thay banged and she told her she has acrush on the chanpion
  6. B


    when u go to evergreen and if the champion is unabel to give or recive a child. what does she do to cait to pay the price. since cait cant giver her a child or have one.
  7. B


    Can u recuite her befor or after u take the elf girl to the castle