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  1. R

    New Player, Hard to find Answers

    So, as an update, I have now gotten to the same point with Minerva in the modded version linked to me. In fact, I've even had the dialogue telling her that I want to help her, and she suggests finding a God or holy man, or perhaps an alchemist. I now have Jojo in my party, and I have all the...
  2. R

    New Player, Hard to find Answers

    This may be a stupid noobish question, but what program do I need to play the downloadable version? =/ Or is there a browser version I'm missing in that topic?
  3. R

    New Player, Hard to find Answers

    Will I be able to transfer my save file? Also, where is the modded version? I'd have thought the one on this page would have been the most up to date. :[
  4. R

    New Player, Hard to find Answers

    So to purify Minerva I have to mod the game?
  5. R

    New Player, Hard to find Answers

    So, a friend of mine casually mentioned this game to me, commenting about a certain race of short stacks that constantly wants your bone. Being much into said race, I dove in head first and have to say that despite the lackluster tutorial that you get from the game, I've found it extremely...