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  1. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    It's not a legitimate race, it's a cosmetic transformative for those who want to go all the way to a creature which is power embodied, inspiring more awe rather than lust. When you see a dragon, you see a dragon, and it's gender is not your first concern. I'm sure there are audience for those...
  2. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Males have cocks, females have vaginas. They are relying on the sense of smell to distinguish genders, not eyes.
  3. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Go easy on the metaphors.
  4. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Kitsune-morph cosmetic TF is already submitted, so it's all about psionic. Depends. If your standards are including muzzle so full of razor-sharp teeth that it would make any shark-morph envious, set of crown-like horns, iron-hard scales on all body, covering iron-hard muscles without ounce...
  5. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    I've done Catnip by myself, but I don't like the result personally.
  6. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Not sure. As I've said, I'd prefer to have a writer willing to do collab, since on my own I'll make something barely decent in terms of the text work. And have no unusual idea to make it more than just bare function. But disregarding it... Dragon TF is something I'll actually want to do, even...
  7. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Original AI does not use fatigue, so ported use no energy. Many enemys and their AIs shoudl be rebalanced, but it is very long, time consuming and I'm honestly not really good at this. You should try to play as intended. There are no level cap (well, barely achievable level 30) for champions...
  8. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    And don't forget horsecocks, they are tombstones for any good ideas. Not something I'll consider sexy, but with proper personality attached... After all, Arian and Ember are one of my favorites, despite my indifference to reptiles in general.
  9. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    :ughh: Xenomorph? Dunno. Weirdshit is their normal state, and being able to hybrid with other races is kinda their feature.
  10. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    You can't convince me that lizards with boobs are not weird :catbert:
  11. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    The TiTS and CoC TFs would be always different. It is a conscious decision. Even if they are basically the same. And Gryvian have very little relation to dragons, honestly. They have vaguely reptilian traits.
  12. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    I lack two things to fo it: cool idea (not just another boring injector) and a writer (since my own writing is awful and full of all possible issues writing can have).
  13. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    The problem was in the variable which was used to store what action she is performing now - it stored hour of the day instead of absolute time :) Bug would be fixed in next build. I'm not going to change vanilla things (aside of necessary technical changes or obvious bugfixes). But I may...
  14. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Should be fixed. Updated build.
  15. Etis

    Wiki Down?

    No, there are neither technical nor lore reasons.
  16. Etis

    Wiki Down?

    Same reason we can't start as herm Kaithrit despite those being naturally occuring.
  17. Etis

    Floppy Ears

    They aren't. //Grow wolf ears if(pc.earType != GLOBAL.TYPE_CANINE && changes < changeLimit && rand(4) == 0) { if (target.earTypeUnlocked(GLOBAL.TYPE_CANINE)) { kGAMECLASS.output("\n\nYour ears begin to itch uncontrollably. You desperately try to scratch at them, but the...
  18. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Fixed. Aand... Update here. * Perk system for champions implemented. * Max stat value is not capped by level for champions. * Champions can level up above cap for TiTS! * Player pregnancies are implemented! But only for native champions, not TiTS characters. * Bog context implemented...
  19. Etis

    The Perfect Mod

    TFs are one of the most complicated things in game, both in writing and coding. This is because all of them have quite compliceted (and usually unique) mechanics behind them. It would be quite easy to make simple TF in a FS/FoE style, where you would have fixed, simple blurb, but it would be boring.
  20. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Have no idea. AFAIK there were some intended way to get that history codex entry, but it is one of Jim's abandoned projects.