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  1. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    It looks like we have fundamental disagreement in understanding the way it meant to be.
  2. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    Actually, this is exactly the problem. Because if you are a perfectionist, you just have to go through Myr TF for it. Like the way you just need to get Dragon Breath in CoC. The problem with other perks was in forcing you to have a specific form. You 'll likely want to play CoC as a naga since...
  3. Etis

    Latest version of CoC; stats like Kitteh6660's mod

    Also, this is clearly contagious and seeped into TiTS as well. Maybe it is like with some zombie horrors when you can cure epidemy if you deal with patient zero?
  4. Etis

    Latest version of CoC; stats like Kitteh6660's mod

    Why would anyone need any other reason to get rid of horsecock?
  5. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    Actually, the point is in not being able to use it without a proper body. Though coding it would require few dirty hacks. Goo armor is hell op (and becomes more and more so with expansions), and not everyone wants to wear someone sentient as clothes. Privacy, dammit. And this is not "locking...
  6. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    Actually, I have an idea for a workaround for this rule. Why not a racially locked gear? One which would "unlock your abilities". We already have some gear with special skills (bows, goo armor).
  7. Etis

    What the Sense?

    Especially if you are wasting turn for it.
  8. Etis

    Nuclear Fallout In Myrellion

    Dunno, blacklist for some themes proves that there are things that people consider worse than total genocide, apparently. Bad enough even for a game.
  9. Etis

    How many tails

    Heh, I hope I'd open a way for the first. Second one... Well, that's up to someone who would want to write that.
  10. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    I have the same feelings for kitsune, but for now, I've limited my work to cosmetic part, leaving possible upgrade to the possible future expansion (with the idea of being already a kitsune-morph to be a pre-requisite).
  11. Etis

    An actual dragon TF with a sidequest?

    Or just separate cosmetical TF and one which actually gives benefits.
  12. Etis

    How many tails

    You can use Catnip to transform cockvine into non-parasitic tailcock, and then use Nepeta to get second. This is the only currently available way to get multiple. Just have no hope to actually use more than one.
  13. Etis

    Latest version of CoC; stats like Kitteh6660's mod

    There is link to download location in the first post of the mod thread. No, it would require a massive overhaul of all scenes, also her creator is obsessed with horsecocks. Why not? Unlike Urta, Katherine likes her dick very much.
  14. Etis

    Consensual Zil

    25%, but if you fight friendly one she'll be offended and won't offer you consensual until you meet her and leave without fighting.
  15. Etis

    Nuclear Fallout In Myrellion

    Quarantine is fine too.
  16. Etis

    Nuclear Fallout In Myrellion

    Literally exploding it is too boring. Treatment-reversing cure would be much more interesting.
  17. Etis

    Nuclear Fallout In Myrellion

    It would be epic to be able to team with Lash to do something with the second one. He should be keen to do something with it.
  18. Etis

    Terry should use Taurico to be a taur, and how can one find, or make Equinium+?

    I think the post is about Terry as a father. Because there are no "catch vaginal" option.
  19. Etis

    "mysterious item that makes butts bigger"

    It looks like those who aren't into hyper are doomed to suffer since we apparently are not considered a worthy audience.