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  1. Etis

    Full homo Kaithrit trap

    Peck is gated behind treatment (had to search for this one). Able... He is typical Zil male, no?
  2. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Well, that's exactly what am I talking about.
  3. Etis

    Full homo Kaithrit trap

    If he would consider himself "he", would not be interested in becoming female/herm and would not be pure subby bottom it would make him hugely different from what we have now.
  4. Etis


    I'm usually playing FoE alone as well -_-
  5. Etis

    Full homo Kaithrit trap

    JUST. DO. IT.
  6. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Why you are blue on the avatar then? :)
  7. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Well, not exactly true in my case 9_9
  8. Etis


    I just can't decide should I laugh at them, or would it be laughing at the physically challenged people. Or should I just take it as caricatures, which have little to do with the actual characters appearance? Anyways,  I really want to know how much of the player base is considering it sexy.
  9. Etis


    Am I only one who think that she won't be able to move without power armor?
  10. Etis

    [WIP]The Huline: Totally Not Space Kitsune(Race + NPC ideas) /Hichiko's Back For Real Now Edition

    There are only two intersections - ears and eyes. Head-tails would need something different, and all other parts are described as totally human-like.
  11. Etis


    Regrettably no. It's mostly about monstergirls. Close, but not the same.
  12. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Well, blame CoC here for using purple as a color of corruption :) Multiple genitails? I don't think that it would cause troubles. Non-parasitic tailcunts maybe, since they were not considered as an option in most scenes.
  13. Etis


    You can try FS. It is much more diverse in a fetish list, but it feels more like a text quest rather than a game. Not sure if there are other ones with notable amount of content.
  14. Etis


    TiTS have much more TF options (though not all of CoC had). But lacks in the furry department, being more about monstergirls.
  15. Etis


    Options are very much limited.
  16. Etis


    Well, there are no corruption. And it is less focused on the TF stuff. And there are more furries.
  17. Etis

    [WIP] Hematopods

    AFAIK it's undead stuff is banned. So hematophagous species should be ok.
  18. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Would it suit me? I'm not corrupted!
  19. Etis

    [IMPLEMENTED] Foxfire, the vulpine TF

    Since pull request is now merged, I'm marking it as implemented.
  20. Etis

    "mysterious item that makes butts bigger"

    I think it's just Fen. Because his hyper fetish.