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  1. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)

    Helwen, when seeign Nine tentacle blinked her eyes. There were no longer there. "It must be the water in my eyes. This place is driving me crazy" she said to herself. After a couple of minutes her drawing was over. Her simple plan was made, she left the shadow of the tree and was going...
  2. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)

    Helwen decided to grab a piece of paper and a chunk of coal. She sit right beside a quiet green skinned mercenary and then started to draw something. Tears started to from at the corner of her eyes, while she was thinking about her past when she was in security and at home.
  3. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)

    As Helwen was leaving she leaned close to Gridon ear and said "I can get rid of him without bloodshed, just promise me to keep me safe and Arabore will no longer bother you... or Reya" and then left the inn. Helwen was even more in shock as she realised what she said. "This place is evil... I am...
  4. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)

    Helwen was no longer eavesdropping the conversation but rather outright staring at the pair. She was in shock. Arabore was an asshole, she knew it, but this man kept her safe. She was his personal doctor since the day he found her shipwrecked on the beach. She remembered is man capturing her and...
  5. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)

    Helwen was silently closing the door of her, hopefully, last patient of the day. Mumbling to herself "With the state of his arm I will be surprised if he make it through the night... I told him the only way to stop the infection is to cut his arm, but he won't do it... People over here have way...
  6. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (OOC Chat+Info)

    Helwen : A young human that came from a land where only human could be found.  She is in her early 20. Her parents died when she was young and a coven of religious woman took care of her education. She is very innocent about the horor that thrive in this world. She was kick out of the coven and...
  7. Annamalia

    The Golden Venture (OOC Chat+Info)

    I am interested. As long you don't mind some minor English mistakes. (English is my second language). It will be my first adult oriented game but I have 11 year of rp in dnd, so I think I will be alright.