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  1. I

    Cloud Meadow

    I'm sorry but that won't fly - when people come up with reasonable and / or technical concerns the least you can do is acknowledge it and work on rectifying it, not coming up with sob stories or justifications that have nothing to do with us. In fact, that whole excuse you just used would have...
  2. I

    Idea egg birth choiche

    What you're asking for is some "egg bound" scenes where the egg gets blocked by clothing and cannot be birthed. Honestly this fetish is so niche I highly doubt it will ever be implemented. But even if someone were to take up the challenge how exactly are they supposed to go about it? Are we...
  3. I

    How to view the dat in TiTS .-.

    He WAS talking about TiTs though. This game uses Terran days for easy comparison but based on the hints provided by the author, calcuations indicate the current year in the game is 5930 A.C (we're in 2017), we just don't know the month nor the day. If you're talking about whether or not TiTs has...
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    How to view the dat in TiTS .-.

    There's no calendar or anything of the sort, day 1 starts when you make a new toon and it counts from there on. Its not like Skyrim or similar games where there's a specific date. :P
  5. I

    How to view the dat in TiTS .-.

    What do you mean its not "accurate"? The in-game clock doesn't flow at same rate a real life clock does, the only reason why the date uses "terran days" in its description is so we can have an idea of how much time has passed.
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    Looking for a game were you play as the monster

    Its entirely possible you're right and I was mistaking it for another game. I was probably thinking of Nimin, which was on the same website I found Redscale (FurAffinity) and that's probably where the confusion stems from.
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    Looking for a game were you play as the monster

    Really? Unless I'm mistaking it for another game I thought Redscale had been sort of abandoned. Its been stuck in alpha for several years now with little to no progress in that time frame. Again I could be wrong.
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    Concerning Voln

    If my years on the internet has proven anything is that a lot of the time people don't care about evidence or reason, they are stubborn in their ways and only seek that which validates their point of view. Mob justice doesn't seek justice, they just want to satiate their bloodthirst and many of...
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    Concerning Voln

    I took a better look at the evidence posted by the artists and decided it was best taken with a pinch of salt, partially because they don't tell the whole tale and also because they confirm a few things m0rv was using in his defense. That said, I don't like his attitude and I think its in poor...
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    After Invasion Alpha

    I don't know if my game is bugged or not but I can't find the gym. I hover the mouse all over the sections and I just can't find it.
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    Concerning Voln

    I was browsing through another forum and came across some a few things related to m0rv/Voln, some of which have already been posted here, others new. Apparently this is the same person that got cheated but with a more in-depth explanation and proof of being blackmailed. This is the thread where...
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    Concerning Voln

    Wow... if the accusations turn out to be true then it sure sucks. Voln didn't interest me but I did like the artstyle it had, the kind of work that was done by someone who knew their stuff and put a lot of effort into it. It would be extremely ironic if the game's highest point turned out to be...
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    Concerning Voln

    Goddamn it... the creator of Eternal Feast showcased his game a few weeks ago (something about aiding new developers through a Patreon group thing) and its still in their front page. I'm going to warn them so they don't end up getting associated with this crap.
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    Concerning Voln

    Can someone explain to me how exactly does one "blackmail" an artist? Unless they got hold of your personal information or some sort of secret, how can they even attempt to blackmail you?
  15. I

    The Coceter Chronicles (RPGMakerMV)

    There's a problem with the quest log, it doesn't update as you progress just remains stuck in "Return to Marissa and look for Aurora". Here's a walkthrough in case you get lost and don't know what to do. 1) After meeting the rude guy and doing his task (or not) go back to the house you woke up...
  16. I

    Do you always get ntred in seeds of chaos?

    We're basically dealing with in-grained jealousy here. The majority of those who play these games like to be the only "alpha male" around with the rights to fuck whoever they want (specially if said character has any sort of relationship with the protagonist), its also why no one ever complains...
  17. I

    The Ultimate Sub - 18+ Visual Novel

    Why is it that every character in the game has normal eyes with the exception of these two? Truth be told they look creepy as hell like this, specially the dark haired girl... I also have to ask - is this "50 shades of grey" BDSM or closer to how it works in real life? The difference here is...
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    Hunt and Snare [Furry][WIP] - New Patreon build: 14.03.2018

    1) Will we be able to play as a female? 2) What kind of fetishes and pairings will it have? Judging from the pics M/F vanilla sex looks guanrateed but will there be anything else?
  19. I

    The Eternal Feast [in development]

    Doing a pulse-check for this game. The author has gone absolute radio silent, no updates in their blog or patreon for 2 weeks now which is bit odd given how frequent they used to be.
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    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Shame... I figured that if there's different slime species that there would at least be a male variant or one of them would have males. Actually, I've never seen a male-slime or goo person in an erotic game before. Never.