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  1. FalconHalo

    [0.9.101-BACKER] Zaibatsu After Party Button Not Showing

    This save is from right before boarding the taxi to the party. Don't know if it's related, but the slyveren slave-owner at the party seems to be having some trouble as well. After Steele voices her disapproval of slavery, she is still very amicable to Steele, and invites her to her after party.
  2. FalconHalo

    [0.9.101-BACKER] Zaibatsu After Party Button Not Showing

    Unsure if this is actually a bug or just not implemented. When receiving invites to the various after parties following the Dhaal Party Event, after receiving an invite from party girls but before receiving the invite from the Gryvain Ambassador, Steele is approached by a Zaibatsu rep for...
  3. FalconHalo

    Latest update crash Great Majin sex scene

    Entered Shizuya's ship for the first time after the space travel event, exhausted her dialogue options before going to the sex menu and selecting the double penetration scene. After the conclusion of the scene, got a fatal error and the following message. PC was on Myrellion, affected by red...
  4. FalconHalo

    [0.9.099-BACKER-ELECTRON#4941] Cannot back out of "Crew Toy"

    When selecting the "Crew Toy" option on the ship, the "Maybe not" button to decide against it does nothing. Getting out of it requires either loading a save, or immediately selecting it again and choosing "Take a break"
  5. FalconHalo

    [0.9.099-BACKER-ELECTRON#4941] Ship shield booster bugged

    This is the PC in question, I don't know if my others are affected
  6. FalconHalo

    [0.9.099-BACKER-ELECTRON#4941] Ship shield booster bugged

    The button to use the shield booster in ship combat is greyed out, despite having less than full shields. It becomes clickable after attempting to use the repair module, costing me a turn in combat. I have the infinite crew space cheat on.
  7. FalconHalo

    [0.9.099-BACKER-ELECTRON#4941] Cannot enter Accu-Pitch Labs

    I was able to enter Accu-Pitch in the last build, but the button is greyed out and says that "You should have a cock in order to enter" My PC is wearing the collar, has the barcode, and is not a naga or taur. They have a vagina but no penis.
  8. FalconHalo

    What content would you like added?

    Internal testicles would be nice for my herms.
  9. FalconHalo

    Memeable Moments

    Sorry about that : (
  10. FalconHalo

    Memeable Moments

    Damn never mind
  11. FalconHalo

    Memeable Moments

    My pc on every playthrough
  12. FalconHalo

    Can Berwyn/Wynne still knock up the PC?

    Thanks for clearing that up : )
  13. FalconHalo

    Can Berwyn/Wynne still knock up the PC?

    Wait shoot this should be in the sub-forum, crap
  14. FalconHalo

    Can Berwyn/Wynne still knock up the PC?

    If so, is it still based on submission to them? I wanted to wait until everything with Matiha was resolved before taking a step like them with them.
  15. FalconHalo

    [0.9.033-BACKER-ELECTRON#2817] Cannot meet Shalena

    Huh. I'll go do the towel girl job a few more times and see if that helps. Many thanks!
  16. FalconHalo

    [0.9.033-BACKER-ELECTRON#2817] Cannot meet Shalena

    Thank you for looking into this!
  17. FalconHalo

    [0.9.033-BACKER-ELECTRON#2817] Cannot meet Shalena

    I've been the towel-girl multiple times, but cannot see Shalena on Extrameet. I don't know if this is related to the problems with the imagepack or not, given her new bust.
  18. FalconHalo

    [0.9.032] image pack cache is broken. images in game are blurry and main menu download is greyed out, and i cant uninstall the image pack in options

    I have a similar problem, with the imagepack infinitely verifying. I cannot uninstall the pack either.
  19. FalconHalo

    Memeable Moments

    When the Fan of Blades hits just right
  20. FalconHalo

    Memeable Moments

    When you can pay a pittance to avoid a battle