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  1. O

    A Question

    Hey, so I just wanna know will we get pregnancy content with Octavia? totally cool if we dont, I'm just interested since if she's gonna be a follower she'd get more content than just the repeat scenes she has now
  2. O

    What content would you like added?

    Can we get a unique outfit for a charmer class? like some special dancers robe with the same parts as the witch's gear(e.i body, headware, legs and hands), maybe something like dance silks of a royal dancer, that was legendary before they dissapeared or something
  3. O

    More character creation options [WIP]

    Yes, but they all have limits, except for Kassyra so maybe something like with hip size but for lips in the character creaton
  4. O

    More character creation options [WIP]

    Could you also PLEASE add lip size? I don't want to romance the demon:/