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  1. JDeko

    Girls Frontline Friend Code Swap

    I need more dorms to visit so please let's share our friend codes in here. My UID is 472864
  2. JDeko

    Rorai's Free Commissions 2

    Might as well throw in.
  3. JDeko

    QUESTION: What issues do most adult games have that frustrate you?

    Mostly that sexual preferences are very nuanced and multifaceted so what will normally happen is you end up with characters that are things the author and/or commissioner are into but for you are a mix of turn ons and turn offs. It's kind of inherent to the medium but still kind of disappointing.
  4. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    Like having a little, girlie scrotum like what "Uniball" does in TiTS.
  5. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    Is it possible to have a trap pouch yet? I haven't seen it in any updates but I figured I'd ask.
  6. JDeko

    CoC2 Save Editor

  7. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    Well now I'd like a way of having something like Uniball or Trap Pouch where the game describes you testes as being cutesy instead of hefty and swinging heavily.
  8. JDeko

    CoC2 Save Editor

    I meant more what the "uniball" perk in TiTS or "Trap Pouch" in CoC 1 entailed. Mostly the game talking about your nuts as being cute and feminine instead of being hefty, powerful, swing heavily, etc.
  9. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    Thank you so much!
  10. JDeko

    CoC2 Save Editor

    Are the milk values the same as TiTS, like if I copy my Steele's values I'll get similar outcomes? Also is there a way to get a trap pouch/uniball in CoC2 yet via the editor?
  11. JDeko

    ObEE's Art Dump

    that looks really fun
  12. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    A save editor would be nice, so at the very least I could just mod my character to be more like a Half-Ausar.
  13. JDeko

    Free drawings

    That looks like a debate I'd like to get into.
  14. JDeko

    What content would you like added?

    I'd like a way to make my character like a Half-Ausar in TiTS. Being able to start with canine ears, tail, and dick was really great. So I guess a canine TF item. Admittedly I've not been following the game for a bit since I wasn't sucked in like I was by TiTS [though this time I can at least...
  15. JDeko

    Show me your characters!

    You are a half-ausar. You’re a good 5 feet and 5 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.65 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a SteeleTech suit, using a hardlight anti-gravity thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with a hardlight...
  16. JDeko

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    I realized right after making my first post in here that the writers are kind of in a lose/lose position and my gripe was kind of hypocritical in its very premise. If they make on big expac then I say "they just abandoned the character" but if they make mini-installments then I say "every patch...
  17. JDeko

    What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?

    That would be my chief complaint, but moreso is that the updates, even the monthly ones a pleb like me gets feel a mile wide and an inch deep. It always feels like I'm flying all around the known universe and, even with the new much-improved interface compared to CoC, spending more time looking...
  18. JDeko

    Icon Sharing Thread

    one of the newest comms I got and I'm pretty in love with this image currently.
  19. JDeko

    [WIP] Reasner Family Expasion Pack

    I totally agree, here sex scenes are some of my favorites in the whole game.
  20. JDeko

    My Art! - X-Bones

    Broken images again my dude