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  1. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil tilted his head back and forth, as if thinking "Eh... A little bit... it's comfortable where it is and likes what it feels..." Ansil chuckled and wink... before pulling his hand off due to stomach pains from the sickness he nows feels.
  2. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Even if he is called out on it, Ansil will not apologize nor remove his hand. He will figure out what magic makes it like this.
  3. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just groaned as he was led away. Not wasting the opportunity to learn though, he made himself stumble a little allowing him to lean on the wolf boy, "accidentally" grabbing his ass in the process, wondering what the hell it was made of and how the hell did it work? (Damn... 9 deception to...
  4. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil falls onto his knees and groans "uuuugh... I don't feel so good..." His usual ashen skin now has a green tinge to it, making him look even unhealthier. "Ooh... A berry." He picked up the rat berry and put it in his pocket "Save that for later... ooooooooh..." He clutched his skin "When I'm...
  5. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    I rolled a 6 on the first con saw against the first attack and a 22 on the con save for the second attack... what happens?
  6. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil spoke in a horrid langue and moved his hands in a weird way. He then made a first at the creature, he uncurled his index and pinky finger at the creature. From both finger tips he fired two Agonizing Eldritch Blasts at the creature. (First Attack:18 Damage:8 force. Second Attack:22...
  7. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Since he was the one that sent that thought to Tarykrym he had to keep his eyes on her. He then saw the giant swarm formed. He blinked and shouted out for everyone to notice "HOLY SHIT! FUCK ME RUNNING!" He then just as quickly got ready to fight. (Critted on Initiative: 23)
  8. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil saw that Tarykrym was trying to interact with a regular rat... and a smile stretched across his face as he reached out to her with his mind. He changed his voice in his thoughts to a more deep and menacing one and spoke to Tarykrym saying Squeak. Squeak. Tasty kobold meat for the master...
  9. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil steepled his hands together and started to tap them against one another and hummed. A grin slowly creeping across his face "So... there is more than one demon that needs to be purged?... How very interesting..." Ansil believes this must be the reason his soul hasn't been claimed yet. He...
  10. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil tapped his nails against his teeth. He squatted down a little to look the rat folk in the eyes. He smiled "And could you perchance, tell us where you saw these red eyes?"
  11. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil pouted at Sindiana "THAT... Is some classist bullshit right there...I'm gonna sue." He then stuck her tongue out at her, which was quite pale, almost white one would say. He then followed the wolf mage, looking like he was looking at the hat, because of his weird eyes, but he was...
  12. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil sighed "... Fine, I'll check with the people at the ruins first..." His cheeks were puffed out and was grumbling but then the Naga turned out to be friendly. He smile at her and put an arm around her shoulders "Well then little missy, prepare to have a hell of a time traveling with us...
  13. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil looked at Diavolo, smirking "Oh please... Jokers are my favorite cards, like I would ever..." He trailed off as he tried to look for the deck's joker cards but could not find them "Aaaaaah! Why?! Why aren't they there!? I love Jokers Wild rule, why would I ever..." He then scrunched up his...
  14. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil tapped the tip of his chin with his finger "Hmm... Do you... have any skin that you just shed? Cause I was thinking of adding some cool textures to my clothing... also did you really need help or did you just want us to fall under your charms?"
  15. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just grinds and nods to Sindiana "Quite right, quite right! As for me..." A smile stretch itself across his face as he looked at Tarykrym "... It's harder to be controlled when you don't have a full deck~" He then produced a deck of cards out of his pocket and he started to look through...
  16. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil bit his thumbnail as he tried to think of ways to convince Sindiana to eventually let him see her book. Because of this, the entire party gets a reprieve from his incessant mutterings and mumblings. Eventually he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a different voice politely call...
  17. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    True... but we are at fifth level... I mean if we were fifth level the entire time then he could’ve had an invocation that allowed him to be invisible in shadows but o can’t think of a reason he doesn’t hav it now because you can only change them when you level up. The prerequisite for the...
  18. MrPhantom300

    Back and want to start a game

    I just wanted to run this by everyone... I was thinking that maybe Ansil has been with the party the entire time but he was always invisible but only Sindiana ever saw him because he kept casting invisibilty... Just thought that it would be funny and interesting as well as explain why he was at...
  19. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil grumbled "Hmmm... Oh! I could offer you my soul... no wait, that's already been claimed... Oh! My mind... no that was claimed as well... hmm... My magic?... no it's loaner... The only thing I can think of that's still technically mine is my body." He looked over at Sindiana "Would you have...
  20. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil grinned widely at Diavolo "Yessss~... to cleanse the fabric of this world from demon corruption... that is what we must do! After all... that's what everyone wants." He kept tapping his steepled fingers together. He then looked over at Tarykym and said "Well... Technically I was forgotten...