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  1. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil shrugged "Well... what's in it for me?... I'm a very picky courier, I need to pick the messages I deliver very carefully"
  2. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil pauses and decided to come out from hiding "Well then... I suppose that means that you can't kill me so I can relay the message... Oh and buy the way... Your bones are a lovely shade of white, is that natural or do you sunbathe?... Just asking cause most the bones I've seen are like...
  3. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil blinks as he sees something coming this way. He uses the spell Sending, to send a message to Diavolo "Hey... I don't think it's really anything but... There is fire... and it's walking... and it's toward town... again, don't think it's anything important." He then got up, and slowly made...
  4. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil sighs as he sits in the outskirts of the ruins, looking out for imps and day dreaming about unimaginable shapes.
  5. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil shook his head and breathed in sharply "Sorry wha?... I blacked out there for a second..." He then looks off to the mountain "You know... we should probably strengthen up the defensives here..." Ansil looked at Diavolo "You know... I do have the sending spell... if we make a nice little...
  6. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil snapped his fingers and the rip in space he caused disappear. He shivered a little bit muttering "I will never understand the appeal of tentacles..." He then looked over at the others as they were talking about the imps "I mean... You saw their numbers... that's not something that happens...
  7. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil, with his eyes that can see through the magical darkness of Hunger of Hadar, sees that a few imps are stuck in there so he keeps up concentration on the spell. He then fires off 2 Eldritch Blasts at any imp who seems to be the most hurt. (First Eldritch Blast- Attack:22 Damage:7 Second...
  8. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil quickly tried to pat himself out "Ow ow ow ow!" He then glared at the imps in the air. He pointed at them and spoke in a mad langue. The air around him started to get cold and then a horrible tearing sound could be heard. The imps were covered in the darkness of the void, having feeling...
  9. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil was to busy doing what he said he would do and watch everyone sleep, making sure to take notes on how much they toss and turn as well as snore. He planed on sharing his findings with them win they woke up. He though that the screams and shouting was all in his head but when he looked to...
  10. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil shrugged *I mean... I drank questionable fluid from the old medicine woman so I think I'm fine... but if you're that paranoid." He then lifted up his shirt to show off the rat bites that sneaked past his clothing and armor.
  11. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil boomed the wolf mage's snoot and just said "Well... If you ever want to capitalize on this... We'll be in town for a while~" Ansil winked at him as he goes back to join his companions, snagging a bite of the dinner that prepared. With a mouth full of food he asked "So... Where are you guys...
  12. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just grinned at him "Well of course I'm forward... I don't being in telling lies or skirting around the truth. I tell it like it is. People waste time with words of half truths and verbal gymnastics? Me... I'm just attracted to you. I'm neither ashamed of that nor wanting to hide it."
  13. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just chuckles and boops his nose "My word you get flustered easily~... Have you never been hit on before? I mean... that would be very surprising to me considering all the work you put into your backside."
  14. MrPhantom300

    LF 1-on-1 RP for 5e

    I sent you a pm on this site with my discord in it
  15. MrPhantom300

    LF 1-on-1 RP for 5e

    Hey there, Rabbit. I've been doing text based ERP for a couple years now on Roll20 and on Discord, mostly D&D 5e. I've ran a couple one-on-one goes in Discord as well. I would love to discuss more with you about fleshing out the setting if you are interested. And I would be more than happy to...
  16. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just grins widely and cocks an eye brow at him "Oh? So it is a magical ass then? Tell me..." He gets next to Berwyn, wraps an arm around his waist, and whispers in ear "Can it do anything else other than look good~?"
  17. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil just sighed "Yeah... I don't want to get into it... it's about not getting recognition... but I'm past that. I have other issues to deal with." He then looked to Berwyn and smiled lightly "A lot of it was taken care of when I was squeezing you. It was like a stress relief ball. What's...
  18. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil grumbled a little bit then sighed "Well... Ok then I guess... Honestly I would be more made if you were a Warlock... I mean like, come on! If you were a Warlock and got a great ass from it while all I got is crazy then that would be just wrong!" Ansil grunted again then sighed "... Sorry...
  19. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil goes out to find Berwyn, the wolf boy mage, feeling better after drinking that medicine he got from that lovely medicine lady. He looked around for the wolf boy, went up to him and said "Look... About earlier when I touched your ass... I'm not apologizing for it. What type of magic user...
  20. MrPhantom300

    The Four Lands

    Ansil sat down as he is told. He smiled nicely at her. He believed that she seemed like a wonderful woman. "Good to meet you, too madam. My name is Ansil, what is your's?" He was completely sincere.