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  1. A

    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    The Immolator stared wide mouthed at the entrance to the cave. Who woudl've thought visiting the troll would've ended in a 3 way? He certainly didn't and he looked around himself to his companions for confirmation that the sight before him was actually happening. 'Where's Tori?' He thought to...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai reactively squinted his eyes when his and Milo's charge had mentioned the deck. He could only imagine the burn their eyes would feel when the sun hit them. Looking at the crowd that bared their way Xerlai groaned while looking at the caine in Rebecca's hand. "I don't suppose that's a...
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    How do you get the bee girl to talk to you again

    The honey is also a transformative.
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    The CoC X MtG project returns

    What is this project you speak of?
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    It sounds fine to me.and my bad.
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai quickly moves to the side out of Drakon's way, Lucia clinging to her savor's body for stability. He looks back to the canteen but finds visibility has been lessened considerably by the mix of steam and smoke. He quickly scans the room and steps forward when he sees a red glimmer through...
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    "Well well," Agatha thought to himself as he hid in the trees just at the end of the clearing, "What a find." His job was to act as an attacker should what the group found be dangerous. The Immolator had never seen a Troll before but now that he had he was impressed. The she-troll's swaying...
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    [Would it be possible for Agatha to spend some of this time meant for scouting to reinforce some of the village's defenses?]
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Everything happened so fast that Xerlai had no clue how to act immediately. It was all he could do to simply right himself up on his two feet. When he had (shakily and with a sore right shoulder), the winged man took a quick observation of the situation outside his cage. Jade, Milo, and Drakon...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai looked at Drakon when he spoke. He scanned the dragon morph all over with a skeptical eye, noticing his anger for the first time. The white scratch marks didn't escape his notice either. "A-anger makes peo-ple usable." The pausey way in which he spoke may have given the appearance that he...
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    "And I am Agatha, lost Immolator," he said with a warm goofy smile. It became evident why he was smiling like that for as soon as he finished the introduction he let his orange reptilian slip between his lips and he let it wag quickly up and down. Though Agatha could use the member to taste...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai wasn't quite sure what brought him from his lovely moment of enjoying the waves. It was probably Milo's and Drakon's replies or the laughter from Hatiith. The latter sent a shiver down his spine, causing his limp wings to shake slightly on his back. He watched as the Captain walked away...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Will post later tonight.
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Won't be posting today peeps but I will keep up to date on what has been posted.
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    [Come on over!] Agatha blinked hard as he finally heard the purpose behind the elder grouping the three of them up. Confronting Gnolls? The thought made the brief good natured conversation Asher and himself had before the Elder came from his long house seem small and forgettable. Agatha...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    On his stomach, Xerlai laid on the hard wooden floor of his cell looking for all the world to be unconscious. His breathing may have been calm, steady, and tranquil, but the marks and fluids coming from his body told a different story. Coming from between his hand filling butt cheeks was a...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    [Updated Xerlai's sheet with kinks] Great peeps! I'll probably be on early mornings and late nights.
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Name: Xerlai Mint Gender: Male Age: 25 Race: Wolpertinger Appearance: A 5"5 tall Wolpertinger. Xerlai looks like any member of his species with his rabbit like features, antlers, and wings. Starting from the top of his head his hair is the same slate color as his fur. The hair is short and...
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    "I dont think she will be able to handle another harsh season shift like this one," said the burly Tenuki to seemingly no one in his workshop. He shifted his eyes to the forge that was a disgrace to look at. There were no signs of embers or heat in its holding chambers, and unforged metal laid...