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  1. A

    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    "Lets see, lets see," Xerlai began as he taped Jade on her head, attempting to keep her up a little longer. "It certainly isn't as bad or eventful as yours I can tell you," he said, "I grew up in one of the larger cities back on our continent," he gestured towards the other's to underline the...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Slemmandre I was curious when you planned on progressing the story?
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    When they returned to the village Agatha split from the group to do some investigating of his own. The idea of setting traps appealed to him and he would investigate the surrounding area to figure out how best to make this happen. Investigating several plots of soil through the adjacent forest...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai attempted to listen to Jade but found it hard due to the trio's bumping and grinding. He wasn't displeased with the distraction, only aware as it caused him to give Jade's story a nod or two that was out of place. When she was finished her story, eyes full of hurt he moved his hand in a...
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    Sagas of Nysa (D&D RP for 3)

    Agatha keeps his protest about not going to see what opportunity the new cave could offer quiet, seeing the need to keep the village safe. He makes a mental note to ask Tilde about this second cave.
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    "Well miss Jade we better get nice and comfortable," Xerlai said as he wrapped his legs around the small of her back and pulled her as far in as her knot would allow. "Oi lads!" he said as he looked over her shoulder to his three other brothelmates, "I snagged myself a human!" He looked at Jade...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Merry Christmas Peeps.
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai inhales sharply as the knot attempts to breach his love nest. He doesn't fight against Jade, in fact he pushes his ass back against her, his anus burning painfully yet pleasurably. When it lodges into his body a final wave of pleasure ripples through him, his balls seizing and his cock...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    "M-milk madden ," Xerlai replied breathily to the request of his name. It was an attempt at a joke on one hand and what he attended for his belly on the other. Xerlai met each stroke with a push of his ass, kneading the dong for its goods. When Jade's hands landed in their respective places his...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    A squeak left his lips the moment Jade pulled him close to insert her tongue. Xerlai had this done to him before but every time was unexpected. He stayed in place enjoying the human's massage. After several long second had passed he notice that Jade's tongue fucking was different from all the...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Jade's menstrations quickly get a moan from Xerlai, her actions causing pleasure to shoot through him. As their lips lock he moans even loader into her mouth as a pulsing warmth moves through his body. The source was his concealed balls which were both the size of a peach and were tensing and...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    "T-the atolls!" Xerlai belatedly says, his vote in the crews' destination delayed greatly by the quickly occuring displays of horniness in front of him. His slit lets out an audible 'pop' as he watches Drakon penetrate Rebecca, and Milo act quite literally as the baby of the group. Xerlai begins...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai's musing of their odds of survival was brought to a temporary hiatus. "It was... And I believed yours was arcane," he replied absently to Rebecca as the true culprit of his distraction was realized. Jade's growing member was coming out and he was interested in it, in her. The man always...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Pirates Xerlai barely heard Milo's question, so preoccupied he was with staring contempt into Drakon's and Keigan's backs. The lads chose to fight now? He wonder with simmering anger. He had half a mind to jump on the ship's edges and enact the inevitable capsizing due to the brute's commotion...
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    Brothelmates Stranded (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Xerlai's breath caught in is throat the moment the life boat entered free fall. Every level of the ship, some he was familiar with and others not so much, went by in slow motion as the crew was plunged down by Rebecca's actions. When the boat finally hit the water it was only by shifting the...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Hmm, never heard of it. There is a lot of rp going on on gaiaonline to but like darknest it isn't what it used to be. Do you rp on any other sites?
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    I can see them dying quickly. I imagine its because you have no clue when people will just drop off the face of the planet and many don't have the courtesy to tell you when they will. I participated in group rps exclusively on this one site before finding out fenoxo had a rp section. Was a real...
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Woider have you noticed the absolute lack of group rps here? There are a few of course but they are dwarfed by the number of one x ones I find.
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    I understand, not my thing either.
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    Brothelmates Stranded OOC (Woider, AubreyC, Ecnalab, and Khorne)

    Slemmandre can you give us a tally of everyone that is in the boat with our ragamuffin gang? I seem to have gotten lost somewhere with whose where outside our group.