Search results

  1. Glein

    Storage Crash Still Existing - [0.9.001-BACKER#2090]

    After some further testing (using the last Flash Version), I have identified the issue. The items causing the crash are already located in storage and are thusly preventing access. I had in my wardrobe (at the time) 2 thongs and 2 HL thongs. Removing them fixed the issue.
  2. Glein

    Storage Crash Still Existing - [0.9.001-BACKER#2090]

    Attempted to open storage to do as last bug report posted did - Disable the dildo setting on hardlight thong. Tested with both previous save and a fresh import of flash save. Critical error still occurs upon opening of storage. Was reported to be fixed, but crash still seems to be occurring...
  3. Glein

    Crash upon opening storage Game Version: 0.9.001-BACKER#2069

    While attempting to open the storage section of my ship to disable the dildo option of the hardlight panties, and the game crashes. File loaded is a Flash save that has been brought forward and used as able.
  4. Glein

    Game Crash upon entering ship from a flash load

    Loaded up a flash version. Attempted to enter my ship so as to see how it handles. Game promptly crashes. Log provided below: A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the...