Search results

  1. Anuarie

    So, who are you guys irl?

    I am 6' 4" 174lbs and I am currently working on an electrical and computer engineering degree. I spend most of my time studying, playing various games, and at the gym (in that order). Notable things I have done, built an FFR 818s with a friend, put easily over 1,000 hours into Bethesda games...
  2. Anuarie


    This thread may be of some help to you.
  3. Anuarie


    Well shit, must have goofed with my quick search in some way. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Anuarie


    When you play games (Smutty or mainstream) do you listen to music? If so, what genre? I tend to listen to hard rock, Hip hop, or electronic.
  5. Anuarie

    How did you come up with your usernames?

    Old inside joke between me and some friends.
  6. Anuarie

    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    I was just going through the Flash tags on e621, found CoC then proceeded to play for about two hours. It was one of the most well made flash games I've found so I clicked the source and found myself here and been enjoying it ever since.