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  1. S

    Non binary options?

    Yeah fair enough. I wonder if the code is at all open-source... If it's as relatively doable as I think it is I could probably write the few small changes I suggested myself, but I wouldn't want to bother the devs if that wouldn't be cool with them or if it'd take up much of their already...
  2. S

    Has anyone defeated Mirian Bragga in the spin-off "The Silence"?

    Yeah, makes sense... though reading the save file shouldn't be that big a deal even between the two I'd think. Alas, I'm guessing the branching potential was straight up removed from the code. If not... maaaaaybe I can save edit it in? But I'm doubting it. Edit: I stand corrected; if you...
  3. S

    Has anyone defeated Mirian Bragga in the spin-off "The Silence"?

    Gotcha gotcha. I hadn't considered her managing to heal like that... yeah that'd make it impossible for sure. I do think you could potentially have a win scene where she still manages to shoot Kara in the face as she's being dragged to safety by minions or something, but having it be a loss is...
  4. S

    Non binary options?

    I mean... I'm a bit late to the convo, but I feel like a significant amount of the support is already here? The Language Filter has three spots, the third being for "indeterminant", and that I assume is used for individuals who either don't have sexual-dimorphism or are otherwise in the center...
  5. S

    Has anyone defeated Mirian Bragga in the spin-off "The Silence"?

    I'm curious because I've tried twice now (the second time after grinding Tarik's health nearly back to full) and I got decently close to downing her the second time, but clearly you're not expected to win given the ending you get after losing against her. Not to mention Bragga does appear in the...
  6. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Oh, and the thing -I- personally want; More polycule opportunities lol. Aside from enjoying them personally, I like the idea that my character's loved ones have other people to be with when I don't have the time, which for this game is... a lot of it. Especially for those who can't be Crew. It's...
  7. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    ...okay yeah that's a point. The wings and legs maybe less so since that's basically learning one single pattern of movement rather than the sheer complexity of what we often use hands for, but the tails definitely are a good point given they're prehensile. Didn't know Fenoxo had a stance...
  8. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Also yes please, that would be amazing xD. You CAN sorta do this currently though with the Custom Language Filters in options! A bit tricky though, since it doesn't allow you to type spaces at the end of the text; You have to type VictorSteele and then scroll back to put the space in the...
  9. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I know somewhere it's mentioned that Fen didn't want to tie combat to transformations the way it was in CoC, so that people have the freedom to just use whatever transforms they want; That said, the game ALREADY gives the perfect justification for avoiding that in the fight with Dane; he...
  10. S

    Can't get Brandy to hook up with Sally

    I wonder if there's any way through save editing or the like to manage a romantic relationship with Brandy while still having her date Sally? Love of polycules aside... in this game in particular I think it's good for your lovers who don't / can't journey with you to also have other loving...
  11. S

    Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Oh, and turns out the Pump-King is way worse; I turned on the holiday content for fun, and despite being my level she's hitting waaaaay harder than anything I think I've seen. She's hitting through my shield's physical resist for around 30 each hit... and she gets three attacks a round. Even...
  12. S

    Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    And yeah, same. ZK was my rifle up until finding the weapon guy on Tarkus. Honestly I still haven't gotten the bow since it seems like the number of training sessions needed has doubled. Or at least it feels like it... I'm not getting any stats either, not prior to the Stun Arrows anyway, so I'm...
  13. S

    Mhen'ga Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Holy crap... I just ran into the new slavers and they are WAY stronger than you'd expect. I'm running a fairly optimized tech specialist build (at level 7 currently) that's steamrolling pretty much everything I've come across so far, and a group of four Tarratch Slavers was enough to kick the...