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  1. C

    Game Version: 0.9.084 questions.

    Whoa really? I guess that answers the question whether it's intentional or not. So the next release is at the end of the year?
  2. C

    Game Version: 0.9.084 questions.

    The game says that I'm an alien hybrid but I don't have any alien traits (that I know of). I did put on a suit that made me into something else but immediately took it off since I didn't want to keep it on. Could that be why I'm an alien hybrid instead of a human? Is that intentional for taking...
  3. C

    Venom acquisition error

    I'll see if I can trigger it again. I remember entering the ship with the intent on deciding whether I want to reorganize my inventory or not as I was running out of room.. I pushed the storage option to open up the storage only for the game to crash on me. It hasn't crashed again on me so far...
  4. C

    Venom acquisition error

    Here's the save next to the merchant that sells the venom. The game still crashes on the current version when trying to buy it from him. Also, the storage crash doesn't seem to happen consistently. I guess that the crash is rare.
  5. C

    Venom acquisition error

    Yes it happens consistently on that version. I don't know if it's fixed on the current version but I can still give the file if you still want it. And plus, I've encountered another error. This error happened when attempting to open the storage in the ship. This is what the error looks like...
  6. C

    Venom acquisition error

    Version: 0.9.052-PUBLIC#3335 Message: Attempted to itemCollect() with no valid potential items. Stack: TiTSException: Attempted to itemCollect() with no valid potential items. at r ( at I7...
  7. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    I'm using the flash player that was linked here. The game just won't boot up. I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong.
  8. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Does anyone know how to get CoC to play? I've tried using A standalone player, but I could never get the file to work.
  9. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    If I were to use Notepad++ for the chrome browser to play the game, how would I transfer my saves to a newer version of the game using the same program to play it online? Also, would the older saves work on e621?
  10. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Are saves from older versions compatible with newer versions of the game?
  11. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Is there a way to transfer old saves to newer versions of the game?
  12. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    I got the Html file part, but the text still goes outside the box. At first the text appears in the box like it should, but gradually and noticeably move further outside the box. Is there an error in the coding I have to manually fix?
  13. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    The text keeps going outside the box. Is there anyway to fix it? I'm also not 100% certain on knowing how to make an .html doc nor where to place the code to above.
  14. C

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    What flash player do you guys recommend the most?