Games like Fenoxo's that aren't so incredibly NSFW.


New Member
Jun 15, 2019
I really like the gameplay in these, to be honest. I also like the porn, of course. But I'd also like to play a game like this that isn't so pornographic. I mean, I could just play the game while ignoring the porn the entire time and yada yada, but that wouldn't just magically make it not NSFW. Of course if it's some sort of romantic sex scene type thing in it at any point, I wouldn't mind, just keeping an open mind here. Though I doubt any game I'm looking for would end up having that anyway. Plus even if I tried to ignore it, I'd probably fail as the massive pervert I am. Point is, I want a game that's VERY similar to it that doesn't distract me from the gameplay, of which I enjoy, with porn. I've seen a couple other threads here and there about this, but the point was never clear enough for people to recommend something I wanted, so I'll just do this myself. Very very similar gameplay and type of game. None of this stuff where it's not that similar it's just, oh text adventure or- this and that. Things like character creator, skills, yada yada. Sigh. From all the searching I've tried, I doubt it exists, honestly. But- if anyone knows of a game that they think I mean, please go ahead and tell me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2018
did you try "choise of games"?
my favorite is
But I have to admit that in direct comparison with TiTs it is pretty short and has no real fighting system
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