
I am a lupine male soldier, standing 16'8" tall with a bodybuilder physique. My kunoichi bodysuit is incredibly light, leaving me with greater freedom of movement than heavier apparel would allow. My Cloak of the Deeps flows behind me, billowing in the cold wind. Further up, my Patrician Mask sits atop my head, helping protect my skull from enemy attacks. Meanwhile, my hands and feet are clad in Golden Carrot and Weedwalkers respectively.

I have a wolf's face, wide and majestic, with jaws filled with sharp teeth. I've got white fur, hiding my thick, white skin underneath my furry visage. Overall, my visage has a square chin and chiseled jawline. Normal-looking blue eyes allow me to take in my surroundings without trouble. The moderately long, white hair on my head is overlapped by a pair of pointed wolf ears. My bestial mouth contains a flat tongue that constantly drips with slobber.

I have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of thick, white fur. My fingers are tipped with thick, canine claws as well. Beneath my arms' fur is a set of matching tattoos of runes. I have waspish hips that swell out under my trim waistline, and my toned ass contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. A fuzzy white wolf-tail sprouts just above my nice toned butt, wagging to and fro whenever I am happy. Two powerful digitigrade legs grow downwards from my waist, ending in large, bestial feet tipped with sharp canine claws. My belly is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
Wayfort Castle
Lupine Swordmage Thief


To spread my bloodline