Recent content by The sole NASA engie.

  1. The sole NASA engie.

    So, I'm at an impass here.

    I really would like to have a different build in my next playthrough, rather than tank merc. I've been hearing about the bimbo tech build, and want to try it. . . . What should I do here?
  2. The sole NASA engie.

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I'm definitely in favor of a different Taursuit. What I mean by that is, instead of giving the PC fur, it keeps the sleek sci-fi look. All the other changes to Steele happen, but like I said, les fur, more robot.
  3. The sole NASA engie.

    The Bizzare Bazaar (TiTSEd for MAC/Android Users)

    Please, if possible, add ALL effects of the Gold Pill item to this character, minus the extra breast row. And again, if possible, add an extra set of arms.
  4. The sole NASA engie.

    How does one acess the save file?

    Thanks. Please excuse me while I revel in my ignorance.
  5. The sole NASA engie.

    How does one acess the save file?

    Specifically, I'm wondering how to do this on android when playing in browser.
  6. The sole NASA engie.

    So, continuing my previous question.

    What are y'all's favorite transformatives?
  7. The sole NASA engie.

    The Bizzare Bazaar (TiTSEd for MAC/Android Users)

    So, my question is, how do I open and show the save file here?
  8. The sole NASA engie.

    So, a few questions.

    1: What's the best ranged merc build. 2: What are the most popular transformatives
  9. The sole NASA engie.

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    More transformatives and a built in save editor would please a great many people.