Recent content by StygianZinogre

  1. S

    TiTS update 0.6.45 crashing on start up

    Um idk if there was an error in the download but is anyone else crashing on starting up the android app for TiTS  0.6.45? Never mind I realized I downloaded the android x file >.<"
  2. S

    just a question....

    Agreed it all depends on what happens in progress
  3. S

    just a question....

    I simply brought it up as a question, I didn't expect it to get this much attention O_o" but never the less I do wonder if Steele will be more involved in his/hers child's/children's life/lives, kind of like raising helspawn or visiting urta's kids
  4. S

    just a question....

    *sighs* well we can still hope right? Besides I've seen more unexpected crap happen xD
  5. S

    just a question....

    Not new at all really I've been playing CoC since it started But still just wondered if Steel Jr was ever going to have actual kids or children to speak of
  6. S

    just a question....

    Are there any plans of having kids with saendra,syri,or anno or with any of the well known crew/npc's?