Recent content by SSS1337

  1. S

    Calise quest 2 Faceless Blade softlock?

    Nevermind. Used the save editor to max out my resistances, crit chance and grab the Swift Sword, but god damn she is a bullet sponge. Definitely needs a nerf.
  2. S

    Calise quest 2 Faceless Blade softlock?

    Can't get past this bitch, she instantly wrecks my team, regenerates health way faster than I can deal it, and is invulnerable to tease as well. How the hell do you get past her? Is there a insta-kill debug weapon in CoC2?
  3. S

    [Calisequest 2 spoilers] Re: Calise and...

    Might be a bug for me, but I'm getting softlocked by Faceless Blade, she's invulnerable to damage and lust. She regenerates health way faster than I can deal it.
  4. S

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I could really go for an upgraded debug weapon. The Tachyon Beam Laser is decent but still not powerful enough for my tastes. Really wish we had a gun or melee weapon that could take out anything in just a few shots, mainly the Zheng Shi and Dhaal enemies... On that note, the DBG shield could...
  5. S

    7th Miscellaneous Location?

    Am I an idiot? What is this locked location next to New Texas?
  6. S

    Questions about First-14

    What's the point in the elevator if it can't be used? Is it just on the eternal back burner?
  7. S

    Codex > Stats > Encounters update

    This part of the codex is INCREDIBLY LONG and it's difficult to find and keep track of particular information. Is it possible this part of the codex could be updated with another sub-menu or something to filter by location? Pretty sure it used to be like that on the swf build e.g. Tavros...
  8. S

    Level Cap Raise Long Overdue?

    I'm sick of getting rekt (then getting my ass rekt) by literally everything on Zheng Shi and beyond despite being level 10 max stats, best melee, ranged, armour and shield belt. Surely the level cap of 10 has been stuck here for way too long?
  9. S

    Ship Weapons Critical Error

    Was trying to sell some of the default weapons (To Vahn, then to the Tarkus Dockmaster) that come attached to two differrent ships (Sledgehammer and MS-XI) and the game crashes with the following error. Not sure if it's unique to these ships or if its a ship-wide issue. Version...