Recent content by SpO456

  1. S

    Saveds for lazy, load and play

    bro you have some save file in Trials in Tainted Space?
  2. S

    Someone got a "100%" complete save?

    if you want I have some save, not finish but I have most of the camp followers, slave and lovers, this save file only work at android I think, I cheated using the save editor.
  3. S

    Save File(Not 100%)

    sharing my save file for those who only wants the text scenes , dominant path, has cheat involved using CoCEd editor, the save file is not 100% finish, still hasn't finish the last boss but I have gotten most of the camp followers, lovers and slaves. PS: the save only works for android I think.
  4. S

    What content would you like added?

    -brothels (prostitutes) and maybe has a mission to bring woman there to have daily income for your money? just my recommendation