Recent content by Sorven9

  1. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Don't I know it I think I have clothes to 12 kids with her and I can't even remember how many kids I have with the rabbit girl at tarvos station that I have enough kids with my dragon wife the conqueror the planet.
  2. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    None that I've seen yet, my dragon wife hasn't neutered me yet so that's a good sign.
  3. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    They'd stop supporting his content and he wouldn't be allowed to use patron anymore if I remember correctly considering I'm pretty sure most of his money comes from people who use patreon it'd probably be a pretty big loss.
  4. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Because patron said they weren't allowed to include Incest they had to remove all of it so they changed a few things up.
  5. S

    What's overburdened

    Thank you very much I tried everything to get rid of it but I forgot I got my butt kicked by The hornet girls.
  6. S

    What's overburdened

    What are the rules for being overburdened? I've tried unequipping stuff I've tried putting things in my storage but it still says I'm overburdened how do I get rid of it and how can I avoid getting it in the first place?
  7. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    That makes me sad I kept wondering what you were going to do with the sexy arctic fox girl .
  8. S

    Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    You know I'm kind of curious there is this female arctic fox vendor who's currently just a spot filler is she ever going to actually get a store or content?