Recent content by OniZero

  1. O

    Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)

    I could run up to Sexy Beach 3 just fine, Artificial Academy 2 fine, even other porn titles like Custom Maid 3D i can probably even run Custom Maid 3D 2 and 2+ if i don't heavy modify it I could even play a fan port of Devil May Cry 4 on PC with just an almost nono-existant lag spike every now...
  2. O

    Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)

    Almost 1gb of space and almost 1gb of memory usage for a(n uncompleted) tutorial (regardless of if it is an alpha or not)... wow... just... wow... i expected something as amazing as Persona 4 Arena (a well used resource-wise investment) but... as i expected i can't compare it to Breeding Season...
  3. O

    Cloud Meadow (S-Purple's Breeding Season)

    Well, i admit that using the excuse of making harpies to look like childs while using their capacity to fly with a body like that something absurd, i can't imagine a harpy with a body of the size of a regular human with a regular or huge cup size because it would be as equally absurd for the...