Recent content by Nuisol

  1. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    Actually playing catch-up for once, if only a little. First there's this cheeky tabloid photo of local celebrity Rune I drew purchased And also I have a couple small drawings of my Natalie that I'm happy with!
  2. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    I can't believe the first comic I ever finished is about CoC(k)...
  3. Nuisol

    bks art dump

    I can't believe Kassy agreed to wear (the absolute minimum amount of) clothing, just for Rune
  4. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    Hunh. Must've been one of Matiha's books???
  5. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    So I heard something about a Red Mage Cait set once? I didn't imagine that, right? Well, anyway, I'm sure this is exactly what the idea was!
  6. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    Have a dear sweet Azzy that I just finished fixing because I layered her wings and abdomen wrong aaah I can do arts I swear Buuut yeah, Azzy's great and it was fun drawing buggy body parts for the first time ^ ^
  7. Nuisol

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Ohh this art is really good, I'm glad I get a chance to see it all! I'm extremely fond of that sheepy raskvel aaa
  8. Nuisol

    bks art dump

    Aaa, that scythe-wieldin' girl is adorable! Magical girl? Demon? Both? Neither? She's great.
  9. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    Is this one weird or am I just being a nervous nerd? Not sure, but posting anyway!
  10. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

  11. Nuisol

    Rob's Rub Down Shack (Art n other shit thread)

    Oh, may I second holdinglines? I really like your work, Robb! I feel like I learn a lot looking at how you do color, and how your characters are both really expressive and have very detailed anatomy. It's really good stuff!
  12. Nuisol

    rose's fanart dumping grounds

    Oh, these are really good! I especially like the goo girl, for the same reasons the others said. And I like the expressions- I find that Vahn drawing super endearing, he's great : D
  13. Nuisol

    Holding Some Art

    Oh my gosh, I really like all the stuff you've posted in this thread but these two especially are SO FREAKIN' CUTE!!
  14. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    All fired up and ready for the day's trials! Definitely not gonna whiff multiple cooldowns and get beat down in a crucial fight or anything, nope.
  15. Nuisol

    A Nui-sance of Fanart!

    I am kinda working my way up to doing some little comics, actually! Not to, like, set expectations or anything though- there's a lot of different things I wanna get better at right now! Also thank you!