Recent content by mikethor007

  1. mikethor007

    Game Version: 0.9.095-BACKER-ELECTRON#4794 Can't continue Tessa's mission

    Same problem here. Did the convo at the casino, but after "I'm in" nothing at all shows up.
  2. mikethor007

    Mayternity Plans

    If B manages to finish that pack of content in time. Here's to hoping he does.
  3. mikethor007

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Yes. That's hot.
  4. mikethor007

    Alypia's Content Corner

    Hmmm...that would be for when the game eventually implements Etheryn siring a family, isn't it?
  5. mikethor007

    Alypia's Content Corner

    Hehe, that emote has such good vibes.
  6. mikethor007

    [0.9.049-PUBLIC#3251] Cyberdale

    I can't bump into this encounter at all...
  7. mikethor007

    Heat/rut scenes

  8. mikethor007

    Favorite Wayfort Furnishings?

    Etither through Farrah, or the caravan if she's not at the Wayfort. After buying the sets, you change between them at the wayfort's vault tile. And after you buy and use at least one set, Gianna's caravan will have a permanent stop(tile) at the wayfort.
  9. mikethor007

    Cait camp chat

    Can confirm. I mean, at camp she seems to have no [Talk] menu, only when in the Frosthound.
  10. mikethor007

    Observation post of the Observer.

    Maybe it's another April Fools that's taken form?
  11. mikethor007

    Observation post of the Observer.

    And it grows more elaborate every year...
  12. mikethor007

    Champion's Weapon of Choice?

    Mastbreaker for sale at the orc camp.
  13. mikethor007

    Champion's Weapon of Choice?

    Isn't that what the Cloudforger is? EDIT.: In my case the favorite weapon is now the aforementioned Cloudforger.
  14. mikethor007

    [Game Version: 0.9.046-BACKER-ELECTRON#3153] Kattom on Phaendra II

    Kattom Osgood shows up on Phaendra II, but his shop only has a Chunk of Savicite avalable.