Recent content by Kalos Kagathos

  1. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Real life, unexpectedly, took a significant amount of my time and I was not able to maintain my promises to my patrons. I Initially reduced the pledge brackets to $0, but as it became clear that I could not maintain timelines, as a solo act, I decided to re-purpose the project. There were...
  2. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    July has come and gone. Welcome August. This is a big update to game playability and marks an important transition in game design. Following the swimming and weapons update, all “major” systems required to interact with the world are in place (give or take flight… which is really just in-air...
  3. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Joe or Josephine is female, and thanks for letting me know about the shop effect. I made some changes to the victory defeat system and didn't update shopkeepers or rather, shopkeeper. I spent the bulk of my development time building the transform system - it can absolutely handle having only...
  4. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Changelog 0.0.3B: Public build gets some early bug fixes: Overhauled nexus and forest tree system – aprx 40% performance increase on some systems. Adjusted default graphics settings, reduced ground detail density. – this should increase performance by ~30% on some systems. Turn it back up in...
  5. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    All transformations are done via items, which you choose to use or not. So no forced transformation. In the future there may be level checkpoints that you cannot cross without a particular trait (such as wings to fly), but for any mandatory checkpoint I will write in a temporary transform. A...
  6. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Updated for 0.0.3 [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama
  7. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Everything or rather anything. Since the player will have a scene with every npc that's partially up to the player. The game already has male and female npcs. so M/M and M/F is in game. The M->F and Male Hermaphrodite transformation will be pushed at the end of may. At that point F/F will be in...
  8. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Great points. Focus of sexual content: The game present a mechanism by which three specific scenarios naturally occur. Combat dominance- which puts the player in dominant position. Combat loss- which puts the player in a submission position, and quest reward which is more neutral. With regard to...
  9. Kalos Kagathos

    [Unity] Nexus: A Kingdom Encounters Drama

    Project being re-purposed.