Recent content by IraMorti

  1. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    That's fair. I do hope someone picks up those characters, eventually.
  2. IraMorti

    Alissa further expansion???

    That or have your way with Ryn right in front of her. Same effect.
  3. IraMorti

    What content would you like added?

    Sexy time with Sigrune. Let us bang some Jotun.
  4. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    It was just a random thought so I was just curious if B has thought about it themselves for any of those characters. I'm not specifically asking anyone to write her here.
  5. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    Hey B, just curious but have you thought about taking up any of Bubble's characters like you did with Berry? I know you have plenty of ongoing projects, but I just wondered if it crossed your mind. Was fighting Byvernia in my playthrough and the though crossed my mind that you'd do her justice.
  6. IraMorti

    What is your favorite thematic build ?

    Thanks! It's fun to think about the little things to give your character that something extra, even if it's just your head-canon. Also I can relate to the explaining thing, sometimes articulating what to convey is hard.
  7. IraMorti

    BubbleLord Missing: What of Quinn?

    Noncompanion characters/storylines are decidedly different as their end point is much sooner than that of the companions. Companions constantly need content as the game is developed so they may react to various things the Champion does/experiences or might need expansions that make sense at...
  8. IraMorti

    What is your favorite thematic build ?

    The current character I'm running is a male human Black Mage with an Arcanist background. Prefers a Summoner style of spellcasting with primarily a Warlock vibe, using fire, blight, and psychic magic. Doesn't want to become a Demon but tries to maintain a balance (read: Tainted) to see if he...
  9. IraMorti

    BubbleLord Missing: What of Quinn?

    Pretty much this. Savin is not going to give the reigns of a companion to someone unproven and I think all the dedicated CoC2 writers already have a companion. I think it's more likely to go the Berwyn route, though.
  10. IraMorti

    Why is everyone here obsessed with turning their characters into abominations?

    I honestly don't change much with exception to the Soulbound tfs. I don't really care to make chimera characters, but will change the sizes of various parts and use some of the demonic tfs. I'm just not big on changing my character too far from what they start as unless I choose to bind myself...
  11. IraMorti

    Jstar's Treasure Trove

    I don't care about anything else, as long as we somehow get that female imp as a summon and we get repeatable scenes at the circle. Guy can dream.
  12. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    Considering B's track record, the chance Ivaze is rejected is basically nil. I'd again like to point out that Ivaze is not the only female imp in production (See Jstar's thread for the Drifa's expansion dungeon). Savin definitely knows about both projects as both author's are quite established...
  13. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    I mean if you want to write a Chad imp, I don't think it would be rejected. For the most part Imps are just the throwaway, grimy enemy of the game. But we know they can have personalities outside of find face then fuck said face. CoC1 had Zetaz.
  14. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    Savin has said that female imps were a thing even in CoC1 if I remember right. The problem is that no one wrote one. Which is why up until recently there hasn't been one. Now we have two coming, with Ivaze and the one encounter in the upcoming Corrupted Lupine dungeon. I like to think that...
  15. IraMorti

    PLAN B

    Well, at least there is Arille.