Recent content by FrankenApple

  1. FrankenApple

    [WIP] Aina Expansion

    @Gardeford is already in the middle of doing an Aina pregnancy expansion and as sad as it might be, she is already more expanded upon than most characters and there won't be any point in making anything else for her other than maybe one or two extra sex scenes.
  2. FrankenApple

    Ass, Legs, or Boobies?

    Face. The options are far too limiting. However, regarding the question:
  3. FrankenApple

    Best Dick 2017

    Basically my dick with nubs added for funsies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) And peppermint cum because it is objectively the best flavor in the universe :smuggo:
  4. FrankenApple

    Your first fantasy girl/guy/...creature?

    Mine would have to be Lili from Tekken. Her straight bangs and wonderful legs to be more exact. Guess I have to blame her for my awkward specific hair style fetish >_>
  5. FrankenApple

    [WIP] Hica - Goat Taur Goodness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Hoi, me again. This is one of my old-ish and kinda abandoned projects. Originally I intended to write 2 repeatable scenes, but ended up with one which isn't written in a repeatable fashion. If enough support is shown, I might eventually come around to finishing it, but as it stands right now...
  6. FrankenApple

    A Blonde Tsudere trap boy?

    While he doesn't seem to be a tsundere (thank god he isn't one of those horrible things), we do have Godi.
  7. FrankenApple

    Male Rahn designs [new artist]

    I'm mostly into ladies, but damn, I'd tap that extra hard.
  8. FrankenApple

    Tarkus Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    Shortstacks are nice. An entire planet dedicated to them is even better. This is unproductive and isn't going anywhere...
  9. FrankenApple

    Two questions......

    I have plans for a raskvel... But then again I have thousands of plans for just about anything. If it doesn't turn out to be another content creep (seriously, fuck my creativity) then you might hear about it fairly soon.
  10. FrankenApple

    Baby home

    Is that a challenge? You damn well should know how much I love bitesizes.
  11. FrankenApple

    Baby home

    What about raskvel kids tho? They are supposed to be fast growers. They also reach sexual maturity after just 2 years - rask incest wen? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
  12. FrankenApple

    custom rank

    She mentioned the title as a joke and Savin actually gave it. THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN!
  13. FrankenApple

    custom rank

    You forgot Champion Cocksucker
  14. FrankenApple

    Just started playing

    There is a way to play as an android but you need to enter the correct special name and we can't share those on forums. If you know where to look for, you should be able to find it no problem.
  15. FrankenApple

    What would you like as a starting race?

    Steele has one of those real-time translator thingies.