Recent content by Ellipsis

  1. E

    Ruined Franchises

    Fallout. I started with 2, loved it, went and played 1, loved it just as much, played 3 when it came out, thought it was okay even though the story felt like BoS fan fiction, loved the hell out out of NV, and then when 4 came out it became clear they didn't care about the continuity or...
  2. E

    What're You Playing?

    Shadow Warrior 2, Shadow Tactics and Shadow of Mordor. I'd be playing Shadow of War if I owned it yet. Basically, whole lotta shadows.
  3. E

    What're You Playing?

    Started Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls the other day. Hadn't played since just a few weeks after the base game originally launched. I'm really digging the Crusader class though I wish I had fifteen bucks to spare on Necromancer.
  4. E

    So would you wanna live there or what?

    Sure, just send me to New Texas, stick me with that Treatment medpen and I'm good to go. Doesn't even matter to me which variant I wind up with.
  5. E

    What're You Playing?

    Replaying Hyrule Warriors while I take a break from replaying Breath of the Wild.
  6. E

    Favorite Hair Color

    Silver. Anyone who knows me on Facebook knows I have a particular weakness for girls with blue eyes and silver hair.
  7. E

    Machinomorph ideas

    lol I just discovered that artist's work yesterday.
  8. E

    Steam Summer Sale

    Yeah, they seemed pretty underwhelming and the one with the darkened areas sounded fucking awful.
  9. E

    Steam Summer Sale

    I only bought Vermintide, and just the base game at that. Still, I've been playing the hell out of it.
  10. E

    The last Galomax Pill

    You don't need to enter it at V-ko's menu. You can just type it anywhere.
  11. E

    Your first fantasy girl/guy/...creature?

    Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I was a little kid at the time so it was an innocent crush. When I grew up I realized it was really the first indicator that I was bi.
  12. E

    How'd You Find Fenoxo/CoC/TiT/FoE?

    I found CoC mentioned somewhere when just cruising around the Internet looking for gender transformation fetish stuff like I enjoy doing from time to time, and immediately got hooked. Wound up staying up all night exploring the game.
  13. E

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Is the Liliraune flower item not in yet? Or do I just have terrible luck?
  14. E

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    It's Aztec for "serpent" or "twin" and has been used as a monster name in Dungeons & Dragons. Probably in other fantasy games, too.
  15. E

    Favourite WH40K Faction & General Discussion

    In terms of the guys I actually genuinely like the most, tie between the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard. In terms of race I find the most entertaining, the Orkz. I love both the concept of the genetically enhanced super soldier elites and the idea of just the common rank and file...