Recent content by Carrot

  1. Carrot

    Beneath A Rocky Earth

    @Kei Thanks for the input! I'm glad you've enjoyed what little there is thus far. About player progression: I've given it some thought and I believe you're right. It's important that the player feel like they're making progress, perhaps beyond just simply opening up new areas and new content...
  2. Carrot

    Beneath A Rocky Earth

    Thanks! So to run through your concerns in order: The kinds of kinks/fetishes/scenes that will be present in the game are just your standard average fair, as in I don't have anything 'out there' planned. I'm vanilla myself beyond basic bdsm stuff, and I mostly have experience with writing...
  3. Carrot

    Beneath A Rocky Earth

    Here is a small thing I made. It's similar in function to Corruption of Champions, though not as pretty as Trials in Tainted Space nor as well coded as Fall of Eden. A link to the current first draft on GitHub is available in the top post. Feel free...